Just got new macs at work


Limp Gawd
Jan 8, 2006
As the title says we just got some new macs at my office. Not like everyone cares, but pretty cool to me. Talk about awsome. Been using fedora since i started there, and all our developers has powerbooks. They kept telling us we would get some and they finally came.

Actually what we got was the new core duo mini's and 23 cinema screen. Bad A$$! Love these things, especially the screen. Unfortunately i wont be using it that long, our developers are getting the new macbooks and i am getting my own powerbook. Cant wait, gonna be awsome.

The transition has been pretty easy. The cli isnt much different than linux being that is unix based now. And adjusting to the gui is coming right along. So far its the little things that are frustruating. But overall I love it, they have come along way from what i had in highschool.

Either way, just wanted to comment on that, will have to start frequenting this area more often now.
Getting "hand-me-downs"? Could do a lot worst than PowerBooks though. A lot worst.

Are you guys backend specialists?