Just got Samsung 204B


Dec 2, 2005
Just got my new 20" Samsung 204b. I am coming from an 18" viewable KDS Xtreme flat monitor. I also played with an Acer Al1951b for two weeks. My first impressions are pretty good. This monitor is a lot bigger than my old monitor. The graphics look sharp. I have not found a dead pixel yet. I ran BF2 and was surprised at some of the little details I hadn't noticed before.
Are there some tests I should run?

I know there are very few reviews out there on this monitor so if you're interseted I'll try to answer your questions. I'm no computer guru like some of you out there so I may not think of some of the things you will think of.
The 204B is a 5 ms TN screen right? How's the viewing angles and colors on that bad boy? Congratulations BTW!
I sit in front of my monitor to work and play so the viewing angles weren't an issue for me. But I got up from behind my desk and walked to the side of the monitor and could still read your post find and saw no large color shift. Where you do notice the viewing angle issue is up and down. So that if I stand there is a color differance from my sitting position. I don't watch movies on my computer, that is why I have a television but if I did I think someone could sit to either side of me and watch it with me fine. I don't think it would be as appealing to have watchers sitting and standing. There would be a differance there.
Colors- Everything seems to pop. I notice more detail in the games I've tried.
Honestly, I was all set to buy the 970p because of the spva panel and everyone talking about colors being better on those. I went down to Best Buy and looked at TN screens and at pva screens. I found a TN and PVA that had the same contrast ratio. I could see the viewing angle differances and the PVA was better at that. I could not detect a color differance. Some people have very sensative vision and pobably easily see the differance with ease. For me I could not. Since the only thing I could see was viewing angle differances and that was not a problem for me I wanted to make sure my response time was good.
I've worked in autocad with this and it works fine. I'm going to try some differant games. Maybe something darker like doom3 or FEAR.
yea when i first bought it i didnt see any reviews for it..but it was a great monitor while i had it and the 5mx response was quite pleasing...glad u like it man!
lcboyee1123 said:
yea when i first bought it i didnt see any reviews for it..but it was a great monitor while i had it and the 5mx response was quite pleasing...glad u like it man!

Despite saying it was a great monitor, I see you don't have it any more. Was anything wrong with it, that made you return it? I am very interested in this one. It appears to have nice specs for a good price(jr.com has them for $530 including shipping)
no nothin was wrong with it...i work at future shop and i was originally gonna get the gateway but it showed as clearance...little did i know 2 days after i got the samsung it was rereleased under a different SKU number, so since i originally wanted the gateway, i traded the samsung back in for the gateway...i like widescreen anyways :p but if the gateway was gone, i would have gone with the samsung for sure
After owning the Samsung 204B for a month, the vertical viewing angle issue is bothering me enough to sell it and not recommend it. I've used three different Dell monitors at work that don't have this problem (2005FPW, 2001FP, 1905FP). The color and brightness shift from a slight vertical movement in your viewing angle is too great to be acceptable.

I give this monitor a thumbs down.