Just got Samsung 215tw...


Mar 3, 2003
The monitor is beautiful... colors look great but darks are 'slightly' a bit dark... There is however backlight bleed in all 4 corners of the screen... Most noticable in the WinXP boot screen and on an all black screen.... Will this go away with time???
dtos01 said:
The monitor is beautiful... colors look great but darks are 'slightly' a bit dark... There is however backlight bleed in all 4 corners of the screen... Most noticable in the WinXP boot screen and on an all black screen.... Will this go away with time???

You can probably adjust it to make it not as noticable.
Whe i turn the brightness down to 30 the backlight is not so bad... I'll post pics tonight... The monitor has settings for Internet (contrast 68, brightness 30), game, movie, etc...

I have no dead pixels but the backlight thing is slightly nagging at me... I feel like I am a monitor snob after reading these forums! You can drive yourself nuts trying to find the 'perfect' monitor... and i am half way there already
dtos01 said:
The monitor is beautiful... colors look great but darks are 'slightly' a bit dark... There is however backlight bleed in all 4 corners of the screen... Most noticable in the WinXP boot screen and on an all black screen.... Will this go away with time???
I got my samsung 215tw several weeks ago and I have almost no blacklight bleeding problem. Even with movie mode or custom mode with 100/100 setting, I can hardly tell if there's a blacklight bleeding. I'm reading a lot of complaints on this monitor and I guess I got really lucky. I got it from Fry's and it's made in Mexico so nothing special. Maybe you should return it try another one.