Just gota new XFX 6800NU

Jan 10, 2005
Well, the fed ex man just came by my house today and dropped off my XFX 6800 from newegg.

After about 30mins of playing with it, I now have what is recognized as an Asus 6800GT w/ 128mb of memory, all 16 pipes, all 6 shaders :D

I dont have any benchmarks or idea of how it really ran at stock settings, but I do know for sure that it runs CSS at 1600x1200 w/ all settings maxed fairly well (around 60 fps)

All in all, i think it was definatley the best 240 bux i've spent on my comp this year.
You suck, now mail that NU to me! My card sometimes artifacts and sometimes doesn't with the 16 pipes, I don't get it. Either it's supposed to work or not. My card does a half-ass job and it's a BFG!