Just Installed MCE and i get Decoder Error In live TV mode!!! HELP!!


Oct 17, 2004
Well i went ahead and took the plunge and bought the pvr 150 mce edition and the MCE 2005 oem, remote, and NVIDIA dvd decoder from htpc.com.

i just installed everyhting and when i try ot go to live tv i keep getting a decoder error? i am new to the htpc seen so i am completely lost. my system specs are below, thanks to all who can help.
Same general setup as what I have. I had the same error, but it was because I hadn't installed NVDVD. Since you mentioned you bought it, I'll assume you already installed it.

Also, I had this problem once after I loaded a codec pack which broke something. Uninstalling it brought things back.

Otherwise, did you go through all the setup of the TV tuner device inside MCE? What other hardware is in the system? Is it overclocked?
i went through all the tv tuner setup inside of mce
i installed the decoder already
system is not over clocked
all the hardware you see listed is whats in the system

think just unistall decoder and then reinstall?
reinstalled decoder and rebooted stil doesnt work though...

do you think a weak signal could cause this? beacasue the cabel is run pretty far and through 1 spliter (2 wires going out) and another spliter (used as a connector to extend the wire) yall think i need to get a signal amplifier from wal-mart?
I'm not sure if the line length would cause that. For example, if I tune my tuner to use the coax input (which I don't have anything connected to) then I get the usual white noise that you'd expect to see on your TV.

It really sounds to me like a problem with the DVD decoder.

What type of video card are you using?
You could also try uninstalling the Nvidia DVD decoder and installing PowerDVD to see if that fixes the problem. You can get a free trial off Cyberlink's site.

I've read that the Nvidia DVD decoder fails with certain hardware combinations and/or outdated drivers.

Did you install any other DVD software which could be causing the problem?
nope i just installed MCE 2005 on to my computer like an hour ago and this is the first thing beside anitvirus, drivers, and old files (pictures movies from before the install)

ill give Power dvd a shoot real quick
ahhhh genius!! powere dvd was the fixer, now ill just buy me power dvd

thanks sooo much
Glad to hear it! Just out of curiosity, what kind of video card are you using?

I wonder if there's a pattern as to which cards do and don't work with the NVDVD decoder (or if it's something else entirely).

Personally, I've used a Radeon 9700 Pro and a GeForce 6600GT without any issues. Both cards AGP.
I had problems with the NVDVD decoder too, maybe it's because I have an ATI video card. I use Power DVD 6 instead. Glad you got things resolved!
yea u are alos using an ati 800 series card, could be that series that has promblems with it, im using powere dvd 6 also
I'm running a 9800pro and had the exact same problem so it's not that series of cards. Power dvd fixed it right up though windvd didn't work either.
In my experience, NVDVD 2.55 works a lot better in MCE than DVD Decoder; I have a copy of both, PureVideo v1.00.67 causes the same error you got. It makes no difference whether NVDVD is installed on a Radeon or a GeForce, it works equally well in both. Also download a copy of Microsoft's DECCheck.exe to make sure your codec is installed and configured properly.

I've given up on PureVideo in XPMCE.

I should also point out that NVPV seems to have very limited compatibility in terms of sound cards. Nothing from Realtek is supported, nor is VIA's Envy24 series; these are the two chips present in my home-built HTPC.
doug_7506 said:
yea u are alos using an ati 800 series card, could be that series that has promblems with it, im using powere dvd 6 also

The X800XT isn't in my Media Center. The Media Center has an ATI 8500