just installed windows 7.. some questions

iori yagami

Limp Gawd
Sep 11, 2004
when i formated the partition during installation it happaned very fast. no progress bar or anything like when i installed xp and vista. is that normal?

in disk fragmenter a 2nd partition shows up \\?\volume something below the c: partition. what is this?

is there any way to get a classic start menu?

when trying to install intel chipset drivers and audio drivers from the disc that cam with the motherboard it didn't seem to work. computer restarted but nothing seems to have installed. stuff seems to work anyway so wtf happened? :confused:
Yes quick-format is normal in 7's drive manager when installing.

When you create a single partition in Win7's disk management at installation, it will set aside a boot sector.

As for classic Start menu, no you cannot revert back to classic in Windows 7 unless you get a third party program that'll do it for you. I don't know the name of it, so I'll let someone else answer it. I like Vista and 7's default Start menu.

If your disk is made for XP, the chipset driver on it will not work in 7 (nor Vista). You need to get an updated driver from http://downloadcenter.intel.com/Default.aspx?lang=eng
I wouldn't worry about installing the Chipset drivers. Windows 7's built-in drivers do a good job unless you're needing a very specific function(like RAID). For audio, you might have to go to the motherboard's manufacture's website and download the Windows 7/Vista drivers.
just found an unknown device in device manager. is there any way to find out what it is?
seems to be issues with intel x38 chipset and windows 7. thats just peachy........

I'm on an X38 motherboard running Windows 7 and don't have any problems. I can't remember if I ever installed any chipset drivers, but there isn't really much reason to do so nowadays anyway.