Just Ordered My Westinghouse L2410NM!!

It's not my monitor as I have no other problem with any other appliance using component, and I didn't care enough to go through a whole lotta bs when the problem was simply fixed by using vga. As for it being the monitor, nah, I got the lvm37-w3. I have had a few problems with the monitor but nothing like that... Am having trouble with it right now and hoping BB will replace it or upgrade because this is the second time I've had to use them on warranty calls... but egh... Maybe they'll stop being lame and just bring me another freaking TV...

I'm sorry I had you all thinking I was referring to the problem being on the l2410mn... I was just stating component cables in general with the xbox 360 have never been something I have had a good experience with. I've yet to try th 360 on my monitor, I did however try it on a friends monitor with a friends 360 and component and it worked fine, little weird but fine, just not what I'm used to anymore.
How bout some pics?

I really want to get this monitor- i think its a lot more asthetically pleasing than the benq or even the dell and its freaking under 400 bucks. Why would i spend $300 extra just for a slightly better picture and more features that i wouldnt even use

Anyway my only concern is 1:1 pixel scaling. Ive seen a pic of this thing hooked up to a ps3 and i saw black bars on the bottom and top, and ive heard that it has a "normal" scaling mode that preserves the aspect ratio but i just need verification.

again- POST PICS!!!!

of pc and xbox 360 if you have one
wow after actually reading through this thread i found out that it definately does have working 1:1 pixel mapping... Woot!!! (my bad for not reading tho :eek: )

all in all i am pretty much stunned by how no one seems to care about this monitor when it pretty much matches the dell and benq, costs $200 less, and in my opinion (from pictures) has a much better look. This deal seems just too good to be true.

Any way i really would like some pics.... im very impatient sorry

Oh and by the way:

Halo 3 looks like ass because bungie couldnt get the game to run at good framerates so they cut the resolution down to 1138x640 (with no antialiasing or anisotropic filtering) which is being stretched to 1920x1080 by the 360's scaler. Thanks to Halo 3's shit-piss resolution, the game technically cant even be considered "High Definition" even though it says "480p/720p/1080i/1080p" on the back of the box. Good job bungie.:rolleyes: At least we can see what the game SHOULD look like from bungie's 1920x1080 press release screenshots!!!! (which of course have been prettied up with a ton of AA and AF)
I think it receives so little attention because every review of I've seen gave it a poor score and mentioned severe crushing of blacks, but it may very well be an excellent choice for the average user, especially as tv/monitor hybrid. I know I'm considering it.
I think it receives so little attention because every review of I've seen gave it a poor score and mentioned severe crushing of blacks, but it may very well be an excellent choice for the average user, especially as tv/monitor hybrid. I know I'm considering it.

I have only seen one review, where have you seen all the others? Again no black crushing here. It makes me wonder what these "reviewers" were actually reviewing.
its not that nobody cares about this monitor, but there alot opf people saying they bought it and NOT posting any pictures.
If yall want some pictures let me get my camera together and I'll drop a few...

Random pic with Fable (old game but still looks great)

http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd82/kravenlocke/IMG_1778.jpg (pic of OSDC showing stats of monitor.)
http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd82/kravenlocke/IMG_1777.jpg (pic while set to economy mode, OSDC.)
http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd82/kravenlocke/IMG_1776.jpg (pic while set to text mode, OSDC.)
http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd82/kravenlocke/IMG_1775.jpg (pic while set to picture mode, OSDC.)

(2 more Fable pictures. All the same background but different angles.)

Picture of [H]ard|Forum. (horrible picture)

My camera is not the best out there, but it's decent. Only bad thing is, the pictures resolution is changed by host.
These both give it a 4/10 and cite problems with the blacks.


Here are a few quotes of what I was talking about

"Dark areas of Lord of the Rings Online and F.E.A.R. disappeared into a sea of muddy black"
"a movie like Batman Begins has quite a few scenes with detail in dark areas, and some of that was lost"
"poor color and brightness performance in very dark areas"

Ah, I just realized they're by the same author on two different sites. Then it is just one review, it's the only one I've seen out there though.
I really wanted to buy this monitor, but if the blacks are as bad they claim on those reviews then I might have to wait until the samsungs drop in price. :(

Are people who bought this experience problems on very darks scenes? like losing detail?
Thanks for the pics! theyre better than nothing...

As for the crushed blacks, i really dont care. I have a vx2025 and im used to them. Its not really a problem because the games i play (CSS, WoW, and Halo 3) are pretty vibrant and dont really have many dark areas. Even so, you can just turn up the gamma if it gets to dark. Pretty much a non-issue.

And keep in mind that the reviewer was reviewing a "600 dollar monitor"; Im only paying 420 dollars for it so a lot of the issues with the monitor can be forgiven. \

I still would like some higher res pics with an xbox 360 hooked up to see that 1:1 and maybe some more pc games
I'm not going through the trouble of hooking up my xbox 360, however I will say that I did not enjoy playing my friends 360 on his l2410mn... Something was just off, of course nothing had been set yet, and was pretty much straight from the box... We didn't care and just wanted to play some games..

As for the crushed blacks, I don't have any problem whatsoever with the colors on this monitor.
what exactly was "off"?

are you sure were you running it at 1920x1080 with the 360 VGA cable?

was 1:1 working?
Yeah everything ran fine, who knows it was probably just the use of component... I don't like component lol... Like I said, it was probably just the fact that we didn't adjust anything, just hooked up and played. The other guys loved the hell out of it, but shit, I'm used to playing xbox on my lvm37 so :D... I mean it could have been a many different things. I was probably drunk also lol... I know my electronics... I just, I dunno, I wasn't used to it I guess... I mean it didn't stop me from playing. Just wasn't used to it..
aight i just ordered it

il make a review thread and post a ton of pics when it arrives :D
gahhh i cant wait 4 days for it to ship!!!!

someone post some more pics for me to drool at while i wait
These both give it a 4/10 and cite problems with the blacks.


Here are a few quotes of what I was talking about

"Dark areas of Lord of the Rings Online and F.E.A.R. disappeared into a sea of muddy black"
"a movie like Batman Begins has quite a few scenes with detail in dark areas, and some of that was lost"
"poor color and brightness performance in very dark areas"

Ah, I just realized they're by the same author on two different sites. Then it is just one review, it's the only one I've seen out there though.

Yeah I read that review a while back and if you ask me it's shit. The first HD-DVD movie I watched was Batman begins and I have no clue what this guy is talking about because it looked amazing. I guess if you took a magnifying glass to the display while watching it then sat back a few feet you can complain about not seeing something but all in all it's a ridiculous complaint for a 24" monitor. Personally I think the only "gross usability" problem was him, the controls do suck but after a few minutes you get used to them and once you have it set up there is no reason to keep using the OSD. The input select button is just above the power which is the lowest on the line, alls you have to do is push it, not very complicated. As far as F.E.A.R. goes I think it looks like shit by todays standards any way and the game had terrible color blending on my 19inch CRT so I can only imagine how bad it would look on any LCD. When it comes to dark games I think Bioshock takes the cake and that game looked beautiful but I did notice some color blending issues when playing it on my CRT monitor and CRT HDTV (360 version) which is a bit more noticeable on the LCD.

I also just finished the demo for CoD4 and some playtime with HL2 Episode 2 and they both looked phenomenal. I really wish I had a supposed better monitor to directly compare it to because at this point my opinions may be a bit one sided do to only owning CRT HD devices.

About the 360 thing I do have to agree that some games do look a bit "off" but I think it may be the games because others look incredible. When I say off I don't mean bad, unplayable or annoying it's just a faint impression you get when first starting up the game.

I also just learned that my mom has a spider calibration device so I am going to try to get out to see her next week and see if she will let me use it. I will also get my camera back from her so I can take a few pictures for you guys.

lets see pics - i have three entire days until the monitors gonna get here :eek:
does this monitor support picture in picture like the LG does?

and aside from 1:1 scaling, does it support aspect scaling, and how does it look when using non-native resolutions like 1680x1050?
I don't believe it supports PiP, and it looks like any other 1:1 1920x1200 native monitor would look at a lower resolution, with bars.
So, say I hooked up my Wii over component. That is 854x480... would it stretch it on this monitor, or do you have an option of whether it will stretch or not?
So, say I hooked up my Wii over component. That is 854x480... would it stretch it on this monitor, or do you have an option of whether it will stretch or not?

I need to know this answer as well. Can someone please confirm I won't be playing the Wii with a tiny box in the middle of the screen?
it's 1:1, but there is an option in the OSDP that will allow you to set it to a full ratio instead of normal, how that will work with wii, I'm not sure. It should do what it does with everything, stretch it till it fills the monitor. It'll look weird but do what you gotta do egh ;)

this is so frusterating! The shipment tracker says my westy is at my local post office, but theyre not gonna truck it over to my house until monday because the lazy asses dont ship on sunday :mad:

I just sold my 20" viewsonic for $200 so now im using a 5 year old 15" Dell LCD until the new one comes here.... and it really sucks.

When the westy DOES come il make a new thread and post a ton of pics though :D

this is so frusterating! The shipment tracker says my westy is at my local post office, but theyre not gonna truck it over to my house until monday because the lazy asses dont ship on sunday

Maybe your cheap ass, knowing full well that the post office doesn't deliver Sunday, should have paid to get it there sooner.
nevermind. i edited my post on page one with some pics.
I've had this westy for awhile now, and out of the box it did lose some detail in the blacks, but it was nothing that a little tweaking in the monitor and video card cp couldn't handle....as with any monitor it just needs a bit of calibration for best results.
here's another shot along with my 17" MacBook Pro laptop.

Any opinions on input lag? I have a TN 22" now and I want a bigger, higher quality display but I fear input lag :(
Here's a question: What menu options do you get when you use DVI-HDMI?
[I've got only Contrast/Brightness/Sharpness on the initial menu.]

So far it seems to be working out wonderfully. This is my first LCD, previously I've been using a 19-inch CRT. You probably should take everything with a grain of salt, because (1) as I've said, this is my first LCD, and (2) I don't have a Soyo or other LCD on hand to compare it to (seeing as the Soyo is not available locally).

So far (got it yesterday):
After some calibration -

1. Color is amazing. Probably better than my previous CRT. There is, however, some blue drop-off in the lower intensities.

2. Low-level contrast is great (image-test). Per http://www.lagom.nl/lcd-test/, I can see the difference between all the "black" squares.

3. I have some white washout. 253 is still distinguishable, but 254 (both vs 255) is not. I can live with losing 1/255th of my white spectrum.

4. Gradient test shows some banding. I've heard grey distortion referenced with this monitor, and this seems to be it.

5. Per http://www.lagom.nl/lcd-test/, (only) flicker-figure 4a flickers. From the site "Most LCD monitors seem to be most sensitive to patterns 4a or 4b." So this appears to be normal.

6. Angled viewing produces significantly shifted colors, most notably light blue->purple.

7. Gamma, once adjusted (I used QuickGamma) is quite good. Near-perfect blending of test images.

8. Gaming impressions - UT2004: Very playable on standard/smaller maps (framerate was the issue on others). Very, very nice. Dark scenes (that others have complained about appear good. No noticeable (even if I'm looking for it) ghosting. I can't tell if there's any input lag. There might be, there might not be. Nothing particularly noticeable, in any case. I can't try any new games on it, because...um...9800Pro? New computer this Christmas...

9. Movies - DVDdirect - eg. Formula51/The51stState looked very, very nice. This includes a few darker scenes, which certainly looked nice enough to me. [Played using mplayerc with ffdshow CPU processing.]

9. Non-image: The stand is....acceptable. Looks nice, and luckily for me, places the screen at the right height. Only thing I can think I'd want is a wall-mount with 90-degree rotation for portrait mode. The speakers work....but way too little low-end. I don't care about having to turn off the monitor myself. Monitor aesthetics are very nice.

So far, it seems like a keeper.
Just dropping in to pimp my mini comparison/review of this monitor.

You can read it here.

Did I see a guide to calibrating LCD monitors somewhere on this site? I really have no idea on the proper way of doing it. Or maybe just a good all-encompassing link?

The post I quoted above shows 3 different links to use, are those the best?

Also, are one person's settings with this monitor going to have an identical picture if I use those settings? Or does the same model of LCD monitors vary in picture?

Thanks a lot for any advice!
Hm...I'm noticing some indications that there's been a panel switch, and the Westinghouse now also comes in a TN panel....

Can anyone verify this?

[See: 1000:1 advertised, 700:1 in box, apparently 8ms advertised, 5ms in box?]
The post I quoted above shows 3 different links to use, are those the best?

There's lots of resources on the internet to calibrate your monitor. Non are the best. My best advice is to use a wide range of tests to really get the best even mix of contrast, brightness and RGB values.

And yes. I'm sure if you used the same settings I listed on an identical monitor, it would not be 100% the same. I've had a few of these Soyo's now. both were a little bit blue heavy, but the one I'm using now required that cut more blue out than the first one......
So far (got it yesterday):
After some calibration

Sounds like you've got it about right. Nothings you've said seems out of place.

I don't think there are many monitors that, when everything is balanced out, will be able to be awesome at showing 254 on a 255 background, or at showing 1 on a 0 background. Losing a little bit of information on the far ends isn't that bad. On the RGB, I try to lose no more than 2 or 3 divisions on the high end, and 1 or 0 on the low and. I really had a hard time getting the westy to not oversaturate and blend in the top range of colors so much.

And I'm am also a little suspicious they went to TN on the Westinghouse. 700:1 contrast is not cool, especially when that's not what's advertised.