Just ordered the Dell UltraSharp 2209WA

My CRT went down the crapper recently, it got completely unable to display dark tones. Anything from 0-0-0 to about 50-50-50 was just... black. This is my first LCD and I have to say I'm pretty much satisfied with it.

The colours might be off slightly even with your profile, but they are vastly more accurate than with the old monitor, so I don't care much, to be honest ;) I've looked at some photos and everything looks just like it should, so I think your profile is pretty much spot-on even for my monitor. According to Lagom, the gamma is slightly too high, but I don't think I'm going to pay much attention to that.

As for brightness, it's at 0. Maybe a little bit too bright, but I'll get used to it. White looks correctly white to me. The monitor is also completely silent, which makes me happy :)

Oh, one question if you have CCC installed: do you lose the LUT settings when you run it? Mine revert entirely crazy and I have to run LUT Manager again, reset the LUT and reload your profile (refreshing doesn't work; then again, I'm using version from 2007, the only one I could find for download on some random site.

Two questions, actually: are these LUT settings applied in games as well? (Not that I'd notice a difference.)
Just set some custom timings. My monitor doesn't like it; if it doesn't run at 60 Hz, it starts emitting some kind of noise (which I wouldn't notice at daylight, it's very quiet), and 75 Hz is out of the question, as strange things happen to the picture.

Go slowly.
i'm very happy with my 2209wa. i'm using vga cable since my 8400M GS has vga out only. text is easy to read and photos are very sharp. i set brightness to 0, sharpness to 40, and the rest is factory default. i have not borrowed anyone's profile because i hear different systems & different people have different calibration preferences. makes sense. i don't see any dead pixels or white spots or reddishness. great picture. i admit that i'm not a connoisseur like many here (no sarcasm). maybe i don't have hawk highs or don't know what i'm missing out on. my monitor before this was my 15.4" TN laptop screen. 22" is big enough and 1680 x 1050 is fine (especially since i have xbox 360).

to all of you regular folks like me lurking these forums...if you're on the fence to get this monitor...go for it...you won't be dissappointed. i was on the fence but once i got this i was like dang...what took me so long? i should have ordered this long time ago.

don't be afraid if your pc has only vga out

don't worry about lack of 1080p. i don't watch blu ray. i do streaming movies from netflix or nbc online (the office) and this monitor plays those EXCELLENT. no scaling issues! i suppose the exception is the console folks with ps3. the current and future of entertainment is not blu ray but streaming video. people want to watch a movie at a minute's notice - not plan and rent or wait in the mail. most streaming video is not even close to the resolution of this monitor let alone 1080p and it will be this way for quite some time.

don't worry about 24" or 22". i have poor eyes but the 22 is a handsome size and i can read comfortably and have good real estate for office work.

i'm very happy with the quality of the monitor and the ergonomic features of the adjustable stand. i also appreciate the viewing angles where i don't have to keep my head at a precise angle to have uniform brightness on a large screen. my productivity is going to increase big time with this larger screen.

GO FOR IT! Next time it comes on sale for $208...don't miss out. You'll be glad you got it. I know I am.
I ordered this monitor last night and it says it is shipped. I can't wait to get it. I didnt want a 24 inch monitor. Too big for my taste. I just wished we had a 22 in IPS with 1920x1200 resolution.
I currently have a 2007wfp IPS so I hope this monitor is just as good or better that my current one.
When you watch blu-ray with this 2209wa monitor, does it resize the overall image or are the last lines from 1080p cut off?
When you watch blu-ray with this 2209wa monitor, does it resize the overall image or are the last lines from 1080p cut off?
If you mean using powerdvd or totalmedia theater, by default it resizes the image, as any piece of video software does when the video's resolution is higher than the monitor's. Or if you meant a standalone BD player, it will stretch or crop the image.
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What I like to do is use Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, and set it to touching window from outside. This fills up your whole screen (you only lose a very small amount of footage on the left and right) and the resampling algorithm is superb. I think this beats black bars on the top and bottom. Plus the viewing angles can't be beat.
What I like to do is use Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, and set it to touching window from outside. This fills up your whole screen (you only lose a very small amount of footage on the left and right) and the resampling algorithm is superb. I think this beats black bars on the top and bottom. Plus the viewing angles can't be beat.
Media Player Classic HC doesn't play Blu-ray discs. Also most movies have around a 2.35:1 aspect ratio, cropping them to 1.6:1 would remove a significant amount of footage. Even a 1.85:1 movie would lose too much in my opinion.
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After spending a couple of days adjusting to the monitor, I realized that the bottom part of the screen - corners especially - is a fair amount darker than the top. It wasn't obvious at first glance, but I can see it now. It's like the bottom-most CCFL tube isn't up to par.

Oh well.

For the money, and $460 is extremely cheap, it's more than good enough.
Do you mind sharing your settings or maybe a screenshot? Thanks.

Here you go:

Just make sure to turn off "Real Time Adjustment" if it's your only screen or it could blank out and leave you without an image, which means you have to reboot in VGA mode. Also check it often because it auto-enables regularly too :)

Also, this is under DVI, but your mileage may vary. 75hz might be your max. As always, you can experiment with the above caveat in mind.

I'd like to mention once again that listening to your monitor is critical. As soon as I go over 60 Hz with PowerStrip, the monitor starts emitting some noise. That's probably not well. (I also can't use 75 Hz, it's full of weird lines on the screen.)
I'd like to mention once again that listening to your monitor is critical. As soon as I go over 60 Hz with PowerStrip, the monitor starts emitting some noise. That's probably not well. (I also can't use 75 Hz, it's full of weird lines on the screen.)

Maybe it's the Revision A00 that is capable of this moreso than the later Revisions? I don't here any noise from mine at any refresh rate or brightness, and my computer is very quiet, but mine is a North American model made in Mexico at 120 volts. It's possible that the 220 volt European models might be noisier? I remember this being an issue with the NEC LCD2x90WUXI models. They didn't make noise at 110/120 but at 220/240 they did.

I also don't get the line problem at 75 or 76 hz on mine. I actually prefer 72hz because it's 3x24hz for those BluRay movies. Thanks for the info.
Could be... Mine is from China, A01, 240V. It doesn't make a sound at any brightness level (and I'm extremely sensitive when it comes to noise), but as soon as I went over 60 Hz in PS, the monitor started buzzing. I won't experiment with this anymore, it really doesn't inspire me with confidence. It might not be that way for drleospaceman, but I'm just saying he should pay attention to how the monitor behaves.

I'm still amazed by LCD manufacturers refusing to support anything other than 60 Hz :(
Hey, so i just noticed... that sometimes when i drag around windows and move them across the desktop at 1680x1050 75hz its kinda jerky... like its dropping some frames

But, sometimes it feels smooth, as it should at 75hz (and no its not working at 60hz bc the movement feels different, tested them)

Im using 10e timings ... any idea what could that be about ?
Hey, so i just noticed... that sometimes when i drag around windows and move them across the desktop at 1680x1050 75hz its kinda jerky... like its dropping some frames

But, sometimes it feels smooth, as it should at 75hz (and no its not working at 60hz bc the movement feels different, tested them)

Im using 10e timings ... any idea what could that be about ?

I have had that with both the 2209WA and other screens. Might be the video card/OS doing that. I know that when I was doing folding@home with the GPU2 client on my GTX 275 it did that, but both on my 2209WA and NEC LCD2690, so I didn't believe it was either screen at the time.
It should work. I don't know why it wouldn't. Maybe the timings it chose for you aren't compatible.

Try these manual timings:

Horizontal front porch: 48
Active horizontal pixels: 1680
Horizontal total: 1840
Horizontal sync width: 32
Horizontal sync polarity: -

Vertical front porch: 3
Active vertical lines: 1050
Vertical total: 1087
Vertical sync width: 6
Vertical sync polarity: +

Then set the desired refresh rate to 75 Hz.

It will actually accept up to 76.647 Hz using those timings. Going any higher causes it to intermittently reject the resolution, so don't go above that. The monitor will report 77 Hz since it rounds up.

While you are getting a higher hz you lower somethings else? what are the things you lower? (front porch and all that) does it make your screen less good in any way? :D
I just got my 2209wa and overall I am satified. Haven't really been able to test much yet though. I paid 289- coupon discount and now it discounted $40. If I call dell will refund the $40? I will call them tomorrow as they are closed now. (I ordered through small business.)
I just got my 2209wa and overall I am satified. Haven't really been able to test much yet though. I paid 289- coupon discount and now it discounted $40. If I call dell will refund the $40? I will call them tomorrow as they are closed now. (I ordered through small business.)

Damn, the coupon is dead. :(
20% off select Electronics & Accessories Coupon Code: 5Q8VM9FP3VV$3D Oct 14, 2009

See it this one will work?

That one is only for:
Includes: Batteries, Dell laser printers, projectors, networking, gps, handhelds, smart phones, and the following Dell Flat Panels (E1910H (320-8152), E2010H (320-8245), E2210H (320-8241), E2310H (320-8243), G2410 (320-7956), P2010H (320-8321), P2210H (320-8323), and P2310H (320-8325). Excludes: All other products and product categories.
Okay, I managed to secure this monitor for $212 shipped + tax which equates to roughly ~$240 after all applicable taxes and environmental fees (gotta love California :rolleyes:).

If anyone's interested, this post at SlickDeals may help you navigate the web of Sales associates at Dell to help secure a good deal. I e-mailed all of the representatives that were known to give out the monitor for $212, and got responses back pretty quickly. Destinee e-mailed me back first so I decided to go with her, but Keith also called me a few hours after my e-mail as well, so they're still offering the monitor for far less than the sale price of $249 currently.

Good luck to all! :)
I was wondering if any of you guys have any experience/screen shots/images of playing PS3 on this display?

A lot of great games are coming out within the next two months (Uncharted 2, Modern Warfare 2, and Tekken 6), and I would love to bring my PS3 up with me to college. We don't have a television in our apartment, and I would rather not buy one (for the sole purpose of playing PS3) because I will have nothing to do with it when I move back home in less than a year.

I've read that the image will be stretched on this display, but I couldn't find any actual pictures to see how bad it is. My second option would be to wait for a good deal on a 2408WFP. There were A LOT of good deals these past three months to clear them out for the new U2410's, but at the time, I was perfectly content with my 2209WA. I can get a brand new 2408WFP on eBay for ~$350 after Bing CB (tax and environment fee-free), but what if it comes defective (uneven lighting, dead pixel)? What can I do about that?

Any input on my two questions would be greatly appreciated. TIA!!
this is not really a monitor for consoles its really just to be used as a pc monitor
I am a photographer and bought this so my prints will match my lab. There is a lot of talk on here about calibration, but what are you calibrating to other than what your hardware tells you?
i guess my question is, has anyone calibrated and then sent in test prints to a pro lab like WHCC or CPQ or H&H, etc., and gotten them back and THEN compared how well they matched your screen? If so, I'm curious as to what settings you used and what lab you used.
I'm going to upload mine to WHCC this week and see what comes back. It's just soooooo bright. I have my B=5 and C=70 and it still seems very bright.
When I run my tests with ColorHCFR, they seem good, BUT my Spyder2Pro has a problem with 0 to 10 IRE, which could be throwing my averages off!
So anyone have any print calibration/comparison prints done? I'm thinking of having the photodisc image printed and then comparing that on screen since it has all the shade of gray, black and white and also the colors, etc.
Here is a good link for testing if your browser is calibrated.

enjoy! :)
btw, i see the price on Dell is now $389 and i just got mine for $212 plus tax with FREE shipping last week. Why the sudden huge increase I wonder???
my bad. when i looked earlier, they didn't show the discount.
either way, the price has sure gone up. but i'm telling you you can get one for $212 plus tax, which comes out to about $225 to $230 depending where you live. I live in Chicago and our taxes are now 10.5 percent!!! OUTRAGEOUS!!!!!!
i see many people say they set theirs to, say, 130 cd/m2, but i do not see anywhere in there where you can make any options for what you want.
Can someone please lead me in the right direction, please.....

ETA: My bad. You do that in the calibration software. No wonder I could not find it.:rolleyes:
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In Canada it's 370$ :mad:

I missed 2 sales in March and April this month for 190$ and 220$ respectively and I don't know how else I can get a 2209WA at a reasonable price.
my bad. when i looked earlier, they didn't show the discount.
either way, the price has sure gone up. but i'm telling you you can get one for $212 plus tax, which comes out to about $225 to $230 depending where you live. I live in Chicago and our taxes are now 10.5 percent!!! OUTRAGEOUS!!!!!!
I paid the equivalent of $460 for my 2209WA and the taxes here are 23%. I consider the price very low for such a fine monitor, despite it being almost half my monthly salary.

There's nothing outrageous about your price.
In Canada it's 370$ :mad:

I missed 2 sales in March and April this month for 190$ and 220$ respectively and I don't know how else I can get a 2209WA at a reasonable price.

I bought mine NIB off ebay for $200 after missing a sale. They're listed by the same seller fairly frequently. There's some inherent risk involved, but it beat waiting a month to get the sale price + tax + environment fees (darn CA) which came out to ~250 anyways plus waiting awhile for them to manufacture more panels.
Hi !

Could anyone be so kind to send me link to 10e color profile. There was also an explanation here how to manage an profile to load at a xp startup. I was very satisfied with the settings, but I had a system crush (hdd burned) and didn't do backup. I tried searching through the posts, but couldn't find so : please links to posts with profile and monitor settings, there was also a small utility for loading profiles as i can recall..

thanks in advance!
The profile is here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1RAVJ1I6

You might want LUTManager; the only download I could find is here: http://fotomania.nixz.net/lutmanager/

You could also try Monitor Calibration Wizard http://www.hex2bit.com/products/product_mcw.asp after loading the profile with LUTManager because it will allow you to set a persistent profile, so it should then also work in games. I haven't really tested it much, but I tried changing brightness in a certain game and it only worked for a split second before MCW pulled it back to 10e's values.
Matija thx for the reply.

Are there any other profiles that are good to try? Right now i don't have a calibrator, but when i had, 10e's profile was the closest i could get to my results, and I was satisfied. I also found one profile here, but it seemed to bright (with high brightness / contrast settings), and was much different than 10e's. Anyone using some other I should give a try?

Thank you again!!!
No idea. I only tried 10e's profile and it made things look very good. I did have to deviate slightly from his RGB settings and upped the contrast to 75, but compared to the monitor's defaults, this is much better.
@Matija @10e

Could you post your RGB settings as well as brightness / contrast settings ?