Just pondering....


Jun 7, 2004
I was just wondering if the new article posted by the [H] at the top of the home site:

Has anything to do with the recent debates about newEgg on this forums?


Still pondering on this one, however maybe im just reading into this alittle to much i dunno. And no im not trying to start nothing negative but to dismiss the connection between these links would be...how do I say this, Ignorance is bliss?
Of course my order wasn't shipped same day yet again on an overnight order, with rush processing.

I remember when Newegg shipped almost everything same day regardless of rush or not. That NJ branch seems to take at least and extra day on everything.
The higher shipping charges was one of the many points that have been brought up in a few threads.

Personaly I use like a 6-12 different places to buy pc parts and none of them are newEgg. Dont get me wrong I have nothing against newEgg. I just never heard about them untill I came over to the [H] and all of a sudden its newEgg this and newEgg that but when I go to the site it doesnt seem to be any special?

I just simply thinks its kinda conincidental that as soon as all this negative feeling towards newEgg occurs on the forums that theres a newEgg sponsered article? But of course I could careless one way or another b/c like I said I dont shop at newEgg and untill I see a compelling reason to add them to my list of places to shop from I dont plan giving them any of my hard earned green :(
DemonDiablo said:
The higher shipping charges was one of the many points that have been brought up in a few threads.

Personaly I use like a 6-12 different places to buy pc parts and none of them are newEgg. Dont get me wrong I have nothing against newEgg. I just never heard about them untill I came over to the [H] and all of a sudden its newEgg this and newEgg that but when I go to the site it doesnt seem to be any special?

I just simply thinks its kinda conincidental that as soon as all this negative feeling towards newEgg occurs on the forums that theres a newEgg sponsered article? But of course I could careless one way or another b/c like I said I dont shop at newEgg and untill I see a compelling reason to add them to my list of places to shop from I dont plan giving them any of my hard earned green :(

They used to be awesome. They would go way out of their way to help the customer. I had orders I made at 3pm PST ship the same day, without a hitch. That and RMA service was unbeatable.

Now though, the service had been slipping, and they need not forget what made them popular.