Just posted on NVIDIAs Facebook page...

Since this nonsense is taking forever, it better be worth the wait. Or else I will be really dissapointed if the next gen nvidia card is only 10% better than GTX295.

Well, considering the 295 was a dual GPU, I think even 10% faster w/ a single GPU would be good, all things considered. Especially because you then avoid having any of the SLI-like problems that can come with dual GPU set-ups.

Maybe it'll even run cooler and be less of a power-hog. But, since we've no information on Fermi in respect to such things, who knows.

Either way, I've been strictly in the Nvidia camp for some time, so I'm hoping it doesn't turn out to be "garbage" in one way or another, as I'm planning on moving up in resolution soon, and have been waiting impatiently for Fermi.
Well, considering the 295 was a dual GPU, I think even 10% faster w/ a single GPU would be good, all things considered. Especially because you then avoid having any of the SLI-like problems that can come with dual GPU set-ups.

Maybe it'll even run cooler and be less of a power-hog. But, since we've no information on Fermi in respect to such things, who knows.

Either way, I've been strictly in the Nvidia camp for some time, so I'm hoping it doesn't turn out to be "garbage" in one way or another, as I'm planning on moving up in resolution soon, and have been waiting impatiently for Fermi.
only 10% faster than the gtx295 would be a huge failure. the 5870 matches the gtx295 in most cases and even beats it some games. if Nvidias huge much more power hungry chip can only barely beat the 5870 then that will be pathetic.
only 10% faster than the gtx295 would be a huge failure. the 5870 matches the gtx295 in most cases and even beats it some games. if Nvidias huge much more power hungry chip can only barely beat the 5870 then that will be pathetic.

How do you figure? The 5870 barely beats the 4870x2 in most instances and in some it loses. I don't remember reading your disappointment about that.
How do you figure? The 5870 barely beats the 4870x2 in most instances and in some it loses. I don't remember reading your disappointment about that.
do you know my entire post history from every forum because I actually do think its a little lame that the 5870 didnt dominate the 4870x2? that has little to do with what I am saying here though. the 5870 is a MUCH smaller chip than the gtx480 will use and I guess I will have to repeat the SAME thing for you since it didnt sink in the first time. if the gtx480 is barely(10-15%) faster than the 5870 then it is indeed a failure from efficiency standpoint. it needs to be at least 30% faster to justify its much larger chip size and corresponding power usage other wise the big chip architecture just wont make sense.
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I'm dying to have you take my money nvidia. You keep up this crap and I'm going back to ATI. Fermi better lay down 9700 pro levels of smackdown.
"Are You Ready?"


I am READY!!!! :eek:

For Reduced ATI Prices!!! :D
That ruffian horde in the background are PC users getting ready to maul Nvidia guy in bathrobe for being so freaking damn late.
Great...for the next 6-9 months we still get to see greatly over priced AMD cards and outrageously inflated prices for GT200 series cards.

No competition means the only winner here is AMD's bottom line.

At least my GTX 295 chews through any game without problem...for now.
Great...for the next 6-9 months we still get to see greatly over priced AMD cards and outrageously inflated prices for GT200 series cards.

No competition means the only winner here is AMD's bottom line.

At least my GTX 295 chews through any game without problem...for now.

lol my thoughts exactly. At first, I regretted getting my 295 when I did.... but now, it didn't seem like such a bad idea :D

I wish nvidia would come out and let people know one way or another instead of relying on rumors, half truths, fud and cryptic hints. I don't know who to believe at this point
Great...for the next 6-9 months we still get to see greatly over priced AMD cards and outrageously inflated prices for GT200 series cards.

No competition means the only winner here is AMD's bottom line.

At least my GTX 295 chews through any game without problem...for now.

wow you think 58xx cards are over priced? what you want them to sell it at? $200? 58xx cards are very well priced. even if Fermi shows up there is no way in hell nvidia is gonna price it at $370.. will be close to $500
Well Fermi is delayed to Q2 so that pic thing isn't about Fermi.



I really hope VR-ZONE and XbitLabs is wrong in this though ... :|

They are saying MASS quantity wont be available. So it'll be like the 5000 series when it released. We'll see products go up and sell out in minutes and people will complain about how they can't get one and slowly more will be made available and the cries will slowly fade into the distance.

wow you think 58xx cards are over priced? what you want them to sell it at? $200? 58xx cards are very well priced. even if Fermi shows up there is no way in hell nvidia is gonna price it at $370.. will be close to $500

I think he was talking about how they're selling for a bit over msrp and with some competition it might bring the price down a little closer to msrp. Though I will agree, amd's card are very well priced, they could just be lower which I'm sure no one would disagree to :)
Wow...is Nvidia trying to hint at something here? Is Fermi really going to blow that much or is nVidia just trolling everyone. What if Fermi comes out and totally rapes everything else sending ATI fanboys and everyone else into total shock if not coma.
your imagination world is ruled by Jen :p

It means the guy read the press release from nVidia and then posted an article editorializing it. He's attempting to seem like he has inside information or credibility with in reality, Fuad just reposted the press release from Jen Hsun and gave no new information.

Really, he just reposted this article while not include most dates and key information:

"“Q2 [of FY 2011] is going to be the quarter when Fermi is hitting the pull stride. It will not just be one Fermi product, there will be a couple of Fermi products to span many different price ranges, but also the Fermi products will span GeForce Quadro and Tesla. So, we are going to be ramping now on Fermi architecture products through Q2 and we are building a lot of it. I am really excited about the upcoming launch of Fermi and I think it will more than offset the seasonality that we usually see in Q2,” said Jen-Hsun Huang, chief executive officer of Nvidia, during the most recent conference call with financial analysts.

Earlier the head of Nvidia said that the company would ramp up production of Fermi-based chips in Q1 FY2011. Nvidia’s first quarter of fiscal year 2011 began on the 31st of January, 2010, and will likely end on the 30th of April, 2010; the Q2 of FY 2011 will last from May till late July, 2010. At present many observers suggest that Nvidia will launch the GeForce GTX 470 and GTX 480 graphics cards in March or April, but it looks like the products will not be available in truly mass quantities right after the launch."

What does everyone think of this post on nVidia's facebook page now that in retrospect form today's announcement, we known it was a teaser announcement about an annoucement for the annoucement on Monday at 9:00am?
wow you think 58xx cards are over priced? what you want them to sell it at? $200? 58xx cards are very well priced. even if Fermi shows up there is no way in hell nvidia is gonna price it at $370.. will be close to $500

Of course Fermi is going out of the starting gates expensive. Did I say anything different? Has any newly-released high-end hardware ever come out dirt-cheap for the masses?

How much price drop have you seen since AMD released the 58xx series? NONE...all of them have gone UP in price. Who in their right mind is going to spend $700-800 on an 5970, even if you can get your hands on one? And that's the price you're gonna pay for the next 4-6 months. Competition = we all win. Buying an over-priced graphics card, the company wins. How many times do I have to repeat myself? :rolleyes:
Has any newly-released high-end hardware ever come out dirt-cheap for the masses?


Would you count the 4870?, it was pretty high end.

At least amd/ati have made an effort to give reasonable prices compared to nvidia when they brought out the gtx200 series. (oh and the reason 5xxx series have gone up is due to supply/demand not amd i believe, so blame the retailers)
well ATI fanboiz, let me just go and check the "Steam Hardware Survey" ...., apparently yes, green is still more than double the red :D

Kyle said October or November, so I think Nvidia is just talking about the release of the specification, and the question was directed to ATI and I guess the answer is NOOOO.
Would you count the 4870?, it was pretty high end.

At least amd/ati have made an effort to give reasonable prices compared to nvidia when they brought out the gtx200 series. (oh and the reason 5xxx series have gone up is due to supply/demand not amd i believe, so blame the retailers)

Don't group me into fanboy behavior. :rolleyes:

Of course the main reason prices haven't come down is because of lack of market competition and of course prices have gone up due to the retailers. I'm just as ticked off at the prices of Nvidia's GT200 series and the constant delays of Fermi as I am with AMD's stagnant pricing of their 58** line. If anything, Nvidia is the most to blame for current AMD pricing.
well ATI fanboiz, let me just go and check the "Steam Hardware Survey" ...., apparently yes, green is still more than double the red :D

Kyle said October or November, so I think Nvidia is just talking about the release of the specification, and the question was directed to ATI and I guess the answer is NOOOO.
Interesting detail in the survey. The ATI 48xx series has a higher percentage of cards than the entire Nvidia 2xx series. :eek: