Just received my EVGA 8800gt 512-P3-N801-A1 from Newegg - New cooler

Dr. X

Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 27, 2000
Thought this info might be useful to some people. I recently ordered an EVGA 8800gt from Newegg and received it today. The part number I ordered was 512-P3-N801-A1 and this part number matches the sticker on the card itself. This card does indeed have the new reference cooler with the larger, quieter fan. It also came bundled with Quake Wars.
My guess is it either does not have a bundled game or it has a different bundled game other than Quake Wars...Crysis maybe?
DrX is correct. The EVGA Cards without the game bundle end in -AR, same with the new GTS 512MB.
That's good to know it's got the new cooler on it. That's the same part number I just ordered. Comes with Quake Wars...enh...whatever. I'll probably just sell it ;)