Just set up my 2405fpw

Oct 1, 2004
This is absolutely ridiculous, that's all i can say about it. I have to sit so far back just to be able to see the whole screen that i have now. RIDICULOUS. i love it
PKFGimpy said:
This forum should be renamed the "2405FPW forum".
Just wondering and don't take me wrong, but I have to ask. Do you own a 2405FPW?
Don't check it for dead pixels... Finding them SUCKS. You'll always notice them after that.

What you could check for though is strange backlighting. Make the screen entirely black (don't turn it off... just make it black from corner to corner somehow) and turn off all the lights. I have strange blotches of dark grey (look like clouds or something) in the top-right and bottom-left of the screen. Will get my exchange in a few days.

Not to be a party-pooper though. The monitor's pretty, but just make full use of that 30-day policy ;)
hehe, yah, my wallpaper is all black. So i am going to pretty much notice any dead pixels or backlight bleeding. But none of either so far, it's flawless. I have pretty good luck with dead pixels. I have a sony 60 inch grand vega lcd tv and i have had it for almost 2 years and i still have yet to have one dead pixel on it. good stuff :)
I have a huge dead pixle/smudge really big, and Im calling to exchange it.
good idea, dell is usually pretty good about exchanging things, they have been for me in the past anyways, real good. My buddy has a 19 inch samsung lcd and has a huge RED stuck pixel right in the middle of his, shows up huge anytime a black screen is on, it's horrible
so now all we are waiting for is that dell 3005fpw? hahaha oh man that be sweet. a dell 30in lcd at $1200?
Xeero said:
so now all we are waiting for is that dell 3005fpw? hahaha oh man that be sweet. a dell 30in lcd at $1200?

Heh, I don't wanna have to keep my computer upgraded to feed a 30" monitor, 24'' is more then enough.
IceWind said:
Heh, I don't wanna have to keep my computer upgraded to feed a 30" monitor, 24'' is more then enough.

yeah right, if you could get one for 1200 youre picking one up like it or not. damn dell with their appealing deals!
the pics the pics...think of the children.

Don't check it for dead pixels... Finding them SUCKS. You'll always notice them after that.

What you could check for though is strange backlighting. Make the screen entirely black (don't turn it off... just make it black from corner to corner somehow) and turn off all the lights. I have strange blotches of dark grey (look like clouds or something) in the top-right and bottom-left of the screen. Will get my exchange in a few days.

Not to be a party-pooper though. The monitor's pretty, but just make full use of that 30-day policy ;)

Well, I finally got tired of the "black blotches" on my 2405FPW so I called Dell Tech Support about it since the monitor came with a 3 year warranty. I was very surprised that they agreed to ship out a replacement for it :)

Are these "black blotches" a common thing for this monitor? Overtime, it was getting worse for me. Also, if I turned off the monitor for an extended period of time and then turned it back on, it would take at least 30 to 45 minutes for it to "warm up" and come to a maximum brightness.
when i first got my 2405 i thought it was freaking huge, i was really WOWed by it.. now 16 months later.. ehh, it really doesnt look that big, its got bad viewing angles and color shifting at those angles, bad ghosting in fps games, so much so i hate playing fps's on this cause it looks like crap, other than those nit picks i love the size and the inputs and have no dead pixels.. overall i cant wait to get a new fast response lcd, but still have yet to find one that i like