Just utterly insane pro gaming!

cs is a sad game. so tiny and repetitive. I would go nuts playing it for what? 12 years? more? ugh.

I would rather be fat alberts toilet. more variety.

I think CS is an incredibly impressive game. Considering it used to be free started out as a mod by "amatuers" that eventually got hired by valve.
I used ot love playing CS 1.6. Nowadays I don't wanna play with those old graphics and CS:S blows now. I've given up CS:S. All there is now is 24/7 Dust 2 and Office maps. Where the hell did all these maps go?

and that map where youhad to free hostages from a warehouse?

Think you mean Assault (great map)

I still love playing CS. been playing since 2000. doesnt get old to me and those videos are impressive.
I think CS is an incredibly impressive game. Considering it used to be free started out as a mod by "amatuers" that eventually got hired by valve.

It was impressive a decade ago. Now it's just lame and out of date.
I still think no one can hold a candle to Hyper ! Jd. The man was a damn machine in CS.

For the newer gen I still think Jd, and DirtySecreT were some of the best.

It's to bad Hyper fell apart. I remember when they beat Complexity and 3D.
Never underestimate headphones. I got banned from my fair share of servers for "wallhacking" because I had a pair of Sennheisers on. People who only play with speakers or shitty headphones never understand exactly how accurately you can position people with good headphones.

A3D\EAX helps tremendously as well. I could hear but not pinpoint people until I realized CS was not enabled in Creative Alchemy. Popped that on with CMSS-3D and I was shocked... people accuse me of walling because the positioning is so accurate I can "track" people through walls and shoot at them.
Wahoo! Someone who's dedicated his life to becoming exceptionally good at a particular game vs. PUBLEC. Superstar!

Also, the music is very 'OMG FRAGMOVEY'. I swear that everyone who makes a video of themselves playing a game is no older than sixteen, judging by their insistence on imposing terrible music on anyone that watches it.
AWP. give me a break. the best players don't even use guns, they literally move in such a way to convince you that you're falling and you die of fall damage.
I still think no one can hold a candle to Hyper ! Jd. The man was a damn machine in CS.

For the newer gen I still think Jd, and DirtySecreT were some of the best.

It's to bad Hyper fell apart. I remember when they beat Complexity and 3D.
Proxy the Hyper that beat col and 3d consisted of different players (like Nightfall who won MVP at that intel tourney). JD had already retired and DS had left Hyper long before col and 3d switched to source.

Wahoo! Someone who's dedicated his life to becoming exceptionally good at a particular game vs. PUBLEC. Superstar!

Also, the music is very 'OMG FRAGMOVEY'. I swear that everyone who makes a video of themselves playing a game is no older than sixteen, judging by their insistence on imposing terrible music on anyone that watches it.
Those pro's have many fans who hunt down their demos and make COTWs and frag movies, without the knowledge of the player. Just because you see a frag movie of x pro player does not mean he made it, or was trying to show off, or anything like that.
Those pro's have many fans who hunt down their demos and make COTWs and frag movies, without the knowledge of the player. Just because you see a frag movie of x pro player does not mean he made it, or was trying to show off, or anything like that.

Seriously? Jesus, what losers.

Well, my point still stands. People that make fragmovies are almost entirely mongoloids with godawful music tastes and the inexplicable desire to promote them, rather than pick a track they might not like but which fits the video.
Can someone explain why people seem to prefer 1.6 so much over source? Granted I have pretty much only played source but when I tried 1.6 the graphics seemed to bad for me to care for so I stuck with source. I've heard people complain about the hit detection in source but it seems like you need to be an expert to realize/care.
Wahoo! Someone who's dedicated his life to becoming exceptionally good at a particular game vs. PUBLEC. Superstar!

Also, the music is very 'OMG FRAGMOVEY'. I swear that everyone who makes a video of themselves playing a game is no older than sixteen, judging by their insistence on imposing terrible music on anyone that watches it.

do you think before you talk?

next time use google.
do you think before you talk?

next time use google.

To what end? I'm not sure what you're trying to suggest here. That I'm wrong? That I'm wrong about my opinions?

Sorry chum, but I'm not sufficiently interested in some semi-pro gamer to google them to ascertain whether they made their own fragmovie or not.

Cheers for your time.
Can someone explain why people seem to prefer 1.6 so much over source? Granted I have pretty much only played source but when I tried 1.6 the graphics seemed to bad for me to care for so I stuck with source. I've heard people complain about the hit detection in source but it seems like you need to be an expert to realize/care.

thats an easy one.

1.6 has worse graphics then source, imagine trying to shoot someone with bloom effects, etc.
I've always liked and still play Soldier Of Fortune 2: Double Helix multiplayer. It's better than CS or CS:S in my opinion.
CS 1.6 is still the most fun and rewarding game I've ever played. I can understand why people don't like it/don't appreciate it but I have to disagree with them. I still remember the first frag movie I watched, Odolinksi 2. I think that movie got me hooked for good. I'm glad it's still going strong too even though I don't have the time to be as good as I used to be.
To what end? I'm not sure what you're trying to suggest here. That I'm wrong? That I'm wrong about my opinions?

Sorry chum, but I'm not sufficiently interested in some semi-pro gamer to google them to ascertain whether they made their own fragmovie or not.

Cheers for your time.

I'm trying to suggest that "you don't think before you talk". It's not that complicated to read..

Semi-pro? Walle is known as the best awper in CS 1.6, he is in NiP, one of the top 5 teams in the world, they win around $30,000-$60,000 a year just at WCGs not to mention all the sponsors.
I used ot love playing CS 1.6. Nowadays I don't wanna play with those old graphics and CS:S blows now. I've given up CS:S. All there is now is 24/7 Dust 2 and Office maps. Where the hell did all these maps go?

and that map where youhad to free hostages from a warehouse?


Agreed. I'm a bit Inferno fan. Although I haven't played the game in a while.
I'm trying to suggest that "you don't think before you talk". It's not that complicated to read..

Semi-pro? Walle is known as the best awper in CS 1.6, he is in NiP, one of the top 5 teams in the world, they win around $30,000-$60,000 a year just at WCGs not to mention all the sponsors.

As I said, mate: I don't care enough. No need to start getting your underpants all twisted. The assertion that I don't think before I talk based on the fact that I don't know who this guy is and am not sufficiently interested to find out is a little flawed.

I'm sorry if I gave your hero a knock or something, buddy, but you're going to have to understand that there's a big ol' world out there simply full of people with different priorities and opinions to you.
Is this game still around????
I can't believe the longevity of it...It's not my cup of tea, but you gotta give it to the devs, it's a success!

And that guy OWNED that map...amazing.
30000-60000 a year for pro gaming which by the way isn't about fun anymore its work. With all that time, dedication and precision with their hands they could become surgeons and make many times that amount.
30000-60000 a year for pro gaming which by the way isn't about fun anymore its work. With all that time, dedication and precision with their hands they could become surgeons and make many times that amount.
i agree to an extent. they definitely have to play with very specific settings that enable better gameplay and accuracy but take away from the environment of the game. they also play it like a job, and no job will always be fun, especially when it's supposed to be fun.

sure im jealous theyre making money off of gaming, but in the end it's not all it's cracked up to be. i bet they cant sit down and enjoy any video game without turning off all the fancy gfx to make it easier to detect people and such.

i last played CS1 when 3d 1st made it big and started winning things. i like how some of us talk about 1.6 as the hayday of FPS competitive play when 1.6 really sucked compared to pretty much every previous release...1.1 or 1.3 were my favorites, even with the bugs of 1.1 and ENORMOUS headshot hitboxes of 1.3.
God, yeah. I used to play DoD a lot, and I played so damn much I had the system down pat. I'd always get hacker comments after I had mastered the strafe shot. People just did not grasp it whatsoever. I just randomly figured it out one day. Kar was the new AWP.

I used to be this way in DOD before the source version and/or some before before it. I always did it with the submachine guns though. Player would pop in the screen and I would hit the 'center view' key and swing the gun across thier head and boom headshot everytime from pretty much any distance. Now a days you can't even bind a key to centerview as the game says its a cheat.
sure im jealous theyre making money off of gaming, but in the end it's not all it's cracked up to be. i bet they cant sit down and enjoy any video game without turning off all the fancy gfx to make it easier to detect people and such.

Very true, they all usually play at 640x480. It makes targets and the radar appear bigger but the game looks downright awful especially if you happen to be on a LCD. I rather play at 1600x1200 with 16xAA and AF and suck a little more.
One time he shoots the door at where the guy is on the other side of it, even though he can't see him...

Saw the same thing, he seems to know exactly where everyone is on the map...

News flash, thats not hard to do. For those who have been playing CS for a while, you know where people like to go/hide, and if it's in a spam spot then your done for. CS, CSS, Q3/4, and UT2K4 are not games for everyone so don't talk like it's not possible, I have seen better.
Very true, they all usually play at 640x480. It makes targets and the radar appear bigger but the game looks downright awful especially if you happen to be on a LCD. I rather play at 1600x1200 with 16xAA and AF and suck a little more.

Lower the graphical settings and you can see the jaggies over some walls. Theres less kick on the guns for some reason too.. thats why i never really tried and get really good at 1.6.. I dont approve of a game that rewards you for turning the graphics down.
Is that how they do it? I could never be a pro CS player due to that alone. The game looks like shit as it is.
Is that how they do it? I could never be a pro CS player due to that alone. The game looks like shit as it is.
CS is an old game, almost a decade old. Many players have been playing it for 5,6,8+ years.
Back in those days 800x600 and other low resolutions etc were pretty common - and they got accustomed to using it when playing the game. And they simply stayed with the res they got accustomed to - that's all it is really.

There is a misconception that the game is easier at lower resolutions because of larger models. However this is not the case, lower resolution means less definition per size (ie less pixels being drawn in the same area), it does not make model's/hitboxes etc change their relative size. Its all the same ratio.
There are pros who play at low res and there are those who play with high res. At many tournaments players are not allowed to touch the graphical settings of the game.
Is it me or did anyone else catch the CT player skin turning an all blue model when he died?
30000-60000 a year for pro gaming which by the way isn't about fun anymore its work. With all that time, dedication and precision with their hands they could become surgeons and make many times that amount.

that's true, but I'm sure they enjoy what they're doing. And that money is just from WCGs, there are a ton of other competitions they win at like CEVO and CPL. Plus I'm sure they get a lot of money from sponsors like all professional gamers do.

about the resolution thing, 90% of those people play at 800x600. All resolution does in CS is make your crosshair smaller. However, not everyone prefer small crosshairs. Other than just practicing, there are other things that just keeps them consistent that CPLMousefix to elimite acceleration in windows and ex_interp 0.01
Is it me or did anyone else catch the CT player skin turning an all blue model when he died?

Yep I saw it. I wouldn't be surprised if this guy is all lies. So many hackers out there that think they're Gods.
Meh, really nice noscopes but I guess hes got a dot in the mid of the screen. Honestly this is not really that impressive display of performance and I doubt hes really trying at all. If you think that's insane go find and watch his pro match demos; Im sure after watching those demos most of you would think hes aimboting.

Meh, really nice noscopes but I guess hes got a dot in the mid of the screen. Honestly this is not really that impressive display of performance and I doubt hes really trying at all. If you think that's insane go find and watch his pro match demos; Im sure after watching those demos most of you would think hes aimboting.


I had to play complexity last year @ newegg last year in the tourney it wasn't fun. I've played them online but they are a whole different beast when it comes to lan play.
I used ot love playing CS 1.6. Nowadays I don't wanna play with those old graphics and CS:S blows now. I've given up CS:S. All there is now is 24/7 Dust 2 and Office maps. Where the hell did all these maps go?

and that map where youhad to free hostages from a warehouse?


That's what really makes me sad about CS:S. I used to play on a 56k only server for CS1.6, back when I was on my USR. It was hilarious seeing all the LPB's come in, only to get banned. Anyway, my point is that the 56k server was a tight knit group - but also played a HUGE rotation. I mean, it would take a ton of time to master all of them (and yeah, some did).

Btw, I think you left out vertigo...lol
Yep I saw it. I wouldn't be surprised if this guy is all lies. So many hackers out there that think they're Gods.

lol like people that's not a real match, he's just playing in pubs. If you played the game, there are servers that run death match. When someone dies, sometimes it will bug out and the person turning blue is just the 0.1 second of spawn protection at another spawnpoint.