Keep 8800GTS 320MB SLI? or get 9800GTX??


Sep 4, 2007
My buddy has two 8800GTS 320MB's in SLI and he wants to know if it's worth it to get a 9800GTX (only one).

I think the 9800GTX is better than two 8800GTS 320MB's but I want your opinion.
Which is better??
My buddy has two 8800GTS 320MB's in SLI and he wants to know if it's worth it to get a 9800GTX (only one).

I think the 9800GTX is better than two 8800GTS 320MB's but I want your opinion.
Which is better??

The 8800 GTS 320 SLI setup should be faster overall, but a 9800 GTX shouldn't be too far off in many cases.
If your buddy plays with any AA or at higher resolutions 19x10, etc....the 9800GTX "should" provide him a better result. The 320 MB of RAM on those cards has started to show its cracks.
9800GTX will be better overall, especially if he plays at higher resolutions, like to turn on lots of AA, or plays games with any kind of large graphics memory requirement.

I know after you install a few texture mods for Oblivion it stutters like hell on an 8800GTS 320mb (and you'll end up with massive slowdowns if you try to run HDR + AA), SLI won't help that, more video RAM will.
I've never run SLI...I think it's overrated for the performance gain you actually get, but that's all personal opinion & preference. If I were him I'd go for a really fast single slot like the 9800GTX, but not right now. I'd wait for prices to settle some. Besides, there's still some life in those 8800's.