Keep rocking the SLI or move on?


Jan 1, 2005
Like many here I've been awaiting the release of the new Phenom 2's. looks like it should be a pretty solid platform to upgrade to that wont break the bank. Might even grab a 7750 to play with untill the price on all the quads evens out some. Just because it has the memory controller built on the CPU. However I'm torn between the chipsets I have to choose from. Anyone know if there is a SLI nForce refresh on the way(soon)? I've been keeping an eye on the Foxconn Destroyer for a while now, Its gotten really good user reviews on the 'egg. Has been mentioned by a few here on the forum as a awesome board, very overclockable and stable. Honestly after working assembly for more than two years at Compaq/HP I didn't think I'd ever want to see another Foxconn board for the rest of my life, let alone find one that I'd actually consider owning. Though I have only heard very little on how the nForce 780a actually performs. There are a couple of reviews out there but not the quality stuff that goes on here at [H](very little o/c info, testing done on old CPU's or not using a very good gfx card if any).

I currently have two 8800GT 512's, and I'd like to keep SLI(have had very good scaling even with my old ass 4200+) but I wonder if I'd be better off with a 790FX/GX with the sb750. The o/c options really look tempting on those boards, and may be worth running single card for now(I guess I could run my other as a really big PhysX card). I'm pretty sure I'll stick with them for a few months and will probably get a new video card come springtime, most likely sticking with nVidia(probably not going to consider an ATI card at this time unless the XFX ATI cards come out soon). I'm also going to be getting a new screen soon after this build goes up, switching out my 21" for the 24" BenQ, with the added resolution I think I should stick with SLI. Anyone think that a SB750 is going to marginally beat the snot out of a nForce board? I was unable to find a review that put the two up against each other but I did find two reviews over on overclockersclub that had very similar hardware and the difference in FPS for game tests was only sub 6-7 FPS(3dmark scores were very close too about 200 points difference with the 790GX getting a higher score).

I also searched and saw that there are couple (*old) threads asking this same question but since these chipsets have had a little time to mature I felt that there might be a little more relevant answer to my question. I'm thinking that its just going to come down to, "if you want nVidia go 750a/780a", and "if you want ATI go 790FX/GX". I just wonder if there are things that I'm not considering. Just to rephrase in case my questions are not clear. Does anyone possibly own both chipsets(780a and 790FX) that has any pros and cons to either of them? How good is the overclocking on either of these platforms?

There are a few other things I'm getting but so far I'm only hitting about $500

1) AMD 7750 BE $79.99
2) Foxconn Destroyer $204.99
3) Mushkin DDR2-1066 4Gb $74.99
4) WD Black 640Gb SATA $84.99

If I go ATI, swap that mobo for a ASUS M3A79-T.

I'm also getting a some new case fans since my 80mm Rosewill's are about toast(lasted over 2 years which is a record for me with them being in a smoker's house that whole time, best money I've ever spent getting ten for $1.27/ea). Probably a new SATA DVDROM so I can finally get rid of my last PATA cable, and possibly a new card reader too. My budget isn't set in stone, though I'm not going to spend more than $550(*not including a Phenom 2 940).

As allways all comments and suggestions are welcome and appreciated. Thanks, and keep it [H]. :cool:
Ya know... I was wondering the same, here... Coming to find my setup to be bottlenecking at the CPU and I was wondering if I should SLI or get a new chip and board. I'm thinking new chip and board.
It depends, I got the second 8800gt on a lucky RMA to evga for my 7900GT KO. Although I can jack my graphics up a bit higher and get nearly double the frame rate in COD4 and DMC4 I can tell that my CPU bandwidth is killing me. Especially when working on Video encoding and whatnot. I'd say with your Opty 165 your in the same boat.

I just wonder If sticking to an nVidia chipset is the right thing to do. The 790FX/GX is tempting but I'm not so sure I want to give up SLI, or for that matter adopt ATI(whos drivers I've never been a big fan of).