Keep Vmodded 7800GTX or go 1900?

personally, i dont think its worth the extra $$ for a couple extra frames
hey m8..long time no see

id keep the gtx and then buy the newer cards down the road
Go X1900XTX if you can. The HDR+AA, AVIVO, and extra Performance will be worth it. Atop of that the 1900 is allready faster but with driver updates it will get much better like all other ATi cards have done in the past.
Keep the GTX. Prices will only go down on the x1900. It also appears the x1900 more or less leveled the play field instead of making a big splash. It offers some extra IQ at the highest resolutions while maintaining playable frame rates, but nothing revolutionary. I am holding out on any change until I see what the newer nVidia card does in March.
Being vmodded I run at 594/1530, I have not installed the new bios (this will allow higher oc's) so I am guessing, now that I read some threads, that the performance increase will realy not be there. The extra features would be cool, but I am just wonder if that is worth it. And why im asking....this would be a nice time to sell a v-modded GTX, before they drop horribly low on sell price.
Unless there's a game you currently can't play to your satisfaction, I would just hold on to the GTX. The X1900 is no-doubt nicer...but the GTX is still a great card...
Yeah, the X1900 is cool, heck I was even thinking of upgrading from 512 GTX SLI, but that would be kinda silly, $1300 plus a new motherboard for a little better image quality that I'd probably not notice anyway.

It's still very early in the year, with many new things on the horizon. If what you have is working for you, then leave it alone for now. Personally, I'm not going to upgrade until I get a much clearer picture of DX10 and when that technology will be available.
Your not going to notice a difference. Keep what you have. Stop being a baby, just because there is something better out there than what you have, doesnt mean you have to waste your money and go buy it.
Check out this quote from HardOCP's review:

HardOCP said:
We do have some fears though (no pun intended) about the performance. While the new cards from ATI provide a big improvement in some games over the Radeon X1800 XT, it is not a big improvement over the GeForce 7800 GTX 512MB video card.

So while F.E.A.R edges out the GTX 512, it's pretty close neck and neck.

nVIDIA also has a new refresh part coming out in a couple months and this could be even more phenominal.

If you already have a vmodded and OC'd 7800 series card, you may be disappointed in the upgrade due to the marginal improvement.

It's not like going from a GeForce6 to a 7 for example in the leap of performance.
Look at the games you play.. Can you play them all at the resolution you want with the extras that you want on turned on? If yes, then why bother?
heatlesssun said:
Yeah, the X1900 is cool, heck I was even thinking of upgrading from 512 GTX SLI, but that would be kinda silly, $1300 plus a new motherboard for a little better image quality that I'd probably not notice anyway.

Since only F.E.A.R edges out the GTX 512 on a single card with the X1800 series, why dump your SLI? I'd wait for the new nVIDIA refresh in a couple months and then decide. If you switch so easily at the performance changes that are not massive in my opinion, you'll be doing it all over again anyways.

Upgrading to an X1900 series from my 6600GT does make a huge amount of since though! But I may wait for the next couple of months so that the nVIDIA refresh forces the 1900 pricing down even more.
I'd keep it. It's only another 1000-1500 3dmarks anyway. ;-) (in 05).

Wait until the 7900GTX comes out at least. Hopefully soon after that we'll have some word on DX10 too.
i was thinking of dumping my 512mb gtxs for the x1900xtx crossfire .. but just not worth it .. this will play everything i need .. and ill wait for the g80 after summertime .. not gonna upgrade again for just another refresh on the g71
Russ said:
I'd keep it. It's only another 1000-1500 3dmarks anyway. ;-) (in 05).

Wait until the 7900GTX comes out at least. Hopefully soon after that we'll have some word on DX10 too.

What is the average score on it?

Edit..looks like it is around 10k (not xtxt, they are around 11-12) I am like 10 points or so below that now, once I update with the new VJ bios I will be much higher then 10k...and that was with my Venice @ only 2.6Ghz! I am now on an Opteron @ 3Ghz on air (have not hooked up the Mach II yet) which will increase my score even more. I bet once I get the Prommie hooked up and the bios flashed on the GTX I will score around 11k or so. Hmmm....guesss I will just wait. Thanks for the input guys. :)
2Fresh said:
What is the average score on it?

Edit..looks like it is around 10k. I am like 10 points or so below that now, once I update with the new VJ bios I will be much higher then 10k...and that was with my Venice @ only 2.6Ghz! I am now on an Opteron @ 3Ghz on air (have not hooked up the Mach II yet) which will increase my score even more. Hmmm....guesss I will just wait. Thanks for the input guys. :)

well I guess I didn't consider you OCing it w/ that prometia, but I believe stock is usually 11k or maybe 12k.
Keep your card for the next 1 month 12 days. The 7900 will come to save the day. It will be a bit more than a speed refresh. Patience is a virtue ;)
It makes absolutely no sense to wait for the 7900 in my opinion. G80 and R600 are due out by ~September, fully DX10 compliant. Either buy now or wait.
Sell the 7800GTX and add a few dollars for a shiny X1900XT. You won't regret it one bit.
Keep it. The G80 & DirectX 10 are due this year and that GTX will hold its own till then.