Kernel error on Windows Vista x64



I've owned Windows Vista x64 since about a month after it came out, and today when I booted up my computer, it failed to load Windows and gave me a Kernel error. I can't remember what exactly it said. I popped the disk in and ran System Restore and everything works fine again. But I'm kind of scratching my head as to why this may have happened. Do you think my HDD might be going bad and some system files were lost?
Just had it happen again today. Anyone know what I can do?
I'm not entirely sure what you're asking for, but in Event Viewer, it had about 13 of these in the past 2 weeks.

- Provider

[ Name] Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power
[ Guid] {331c3b3a-2005-44c2-ac5e-77220c37d6b4}

EventID 41

Version 0

Level 1

Task 0

Opcode 0

Keywords 0x8000000000000002

- TimeCreated

[ SystemTime] 2008-05-19T10:03:35.371Z

EventRecordID 175430


- Execution

[ ProcessID] 4
[ ThreadID] 8

Channel System

Computer Marshall-PC

- Security

[ UserID] S-1-5-18
Anybody want to take a shot in the dark? I'm getting random blue screens everyday.
Stab in the dark: failing memory or PSU.

First thing to do is drop any OC and go back to stock CPU and mem clocks. That just might do it.

Assuming that fails, start testing your sticks. Do a search on memtest for the correct procedures.

I'm not sure how you test a PSU, tho.
Image your drive if you have software to do so ( in case it is the drive failing), and have boot media to run it. Disable the auto reboot after crash and check the stop code at the top of the blue screen. Post it here for someone to check--or type it into Google.
Ok, this is the not the same Kernel error that I have commonly been getting when I boot up, but this is the most recent one. I actually took a picture so you guys could see. I'm hoping these pictures will look filmiliar to someone out there.


Ok, I never get around these kinds of errors, so my remedy each and every day is to pop in the Windows Vista disk and run System Restore. But sometimes when I do this, I get this Stop error right here:


I'm certainly hoping someone is filmiliar with these kinds of errors. Also, in rseponse, I have run the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool and it checked out ok. I don't think Memtest is compatabile with Vista x64... I could be wrong, but that's what I've heard. But speaking of memory, I've checked my CPUZ, and the bottom portion looks alittle suspecious. What do you guys think?

Here's another thing to look at, my hardware monitor. I'm just trying to give you guys a wealth of information. I just want to figure out whats wrong so I can fix it.

This is an error you'll see a lot with overclocked systems. Did you go back to stock speeds?
It's most likely memory error "IRQL not less than" tends to be memory or controller shitting itself. Memtest for 24 hours at the speeds you normally run at.
This is an error you'll see a lot with overclocked systems. Did you go back to stock speeds?

Yes indeed, and the problem is not resolved.

It's most likely memory error "IRQL not less than" tends to be memory or controller shitting itself. Memtest for 24 hours at the speeds you normally run at.

What do you mean by controller? I'm going to see if I can get ahold of a floppy disk to install memtest. When you say memtest, which website are you refering to? I see multiple sites on results for Google.