Keyboard disappears in xp


Mar 22, 2002
I have a really weird one that I cannot figure out. Ok my keyboard whether it be USB or ps/2 will work in bios and when you login and enter your password but once windows xp home loads it doesn't work. I have tried uninstalling the drivers but nothing. I am hoping some one here can help I really don't won't to reformat just for the keyboard
try unplugging the keyboard, then go to device manager and remove your keyboard drivers.

then plug your keyboard back in and see if it says "new hardware found.. blah blah.."
I ahd the same issue, keyboard lost after login, its was an issue with the motherboard and a bios update solved it

that's what I was thinking (bios update) but Gateway won't give me one I even tried reinstalling windows not a clean format. Damn I hate fixing other peoples computers after I give them a price!! This is taking too much time
We'll the bios update didn't work finally got it from them.Uninstalling with the keyboard unplugged didn't work either I am going for the whole full format. I don't like doing those anymore unless I have tried everything well thanks for the suggestions