Keyboard question


Jun 6, 2003
What type of keyboard would make a good x-mas presant for myself as a gamer? Wireless preferred but if no good wireless ones wired works too, thanks :D
I was about to post the same question just now.. a new wireless keyboard is the only thing computer wise I can think of to ask for. the one have now is pretty nasty lookin :)
The Logitech Cordless MX Duo is a really nice keyboard/mouse combo. I had it for a while until someone spilled lemonade on it. I'm not sure if you can get it with the keyboard alone, as the duo comes with the mouse...
I'm pretty sure the keyboard in the MX duo is just a wired version of the Logitech Elite.
Do you have a reason for going with a wireless keyboard? I find that most people buy a wireless keyboard and it never leaves their desk which makes no sense at all because the keyboard costs more, requires batteries, and isn't as responsive as a wired keyboard. If you plan to use the computer sort of like a multimedia station and want to leave your desk then its understandable.

I have a Microsoft Natural Multimedia gray keyboard and i like it alot. The ergo feel is extremely comfortable and helps you to type faster after you get used to it. I also just bought a Microsoft Digital Media Pro keyboard which is a new keyboard from Microsoft that is black and gray and is REALLY nice as well. It has tons of multimedia functionality and hot keys.

BTW, i'm selling that gray Natural Multimedia keyboard which is retail boxed and in like-new condition if anyone is interested :).
I use a logitech elite keyboard and it works great...the reason i went with wired was that i was worried about the keyboard running low on batteries while i was gaming. But i think they have software that will tell you if the batteries run low. So i'd go with the elite keyboard it works great for games and it has alot of extra functions.

They keyboard from the MX duo is exactly the logitech elite except that it's wireless and that the caps lock, numlock etc lights are on the mouse charger. and there is almost no need to worry about batteries during gaming. The batteries in the keyboard last well over 6 months. it's a shame they don't sell the wireless keyboard without the mouse though. hope i helped answer a few issues.


PS: I've noticed no lag, though I'm not much of a gamer myself.
I have this bad boy and it works fine for me. And @ $14.95, it's cheap. As mentioned above, if the damn thing's going to sit on your desk, there's no need for wireless. I've put this keyboard through hell too. Wax has been poured on it, it's been beaten and hit against the desk, and it still keeps going strong. :D

I can tell you what NOT to get. DON'T GET THIS!!! ViewSonic makes pretty good monitors, but their keyboards suck. I had this model a few years back and the damn thing would double strike letters (meaning with 1 press of the key, it'll actually produce 2 letters on screen) Imagine programming with a keyboard like that. If you're typing from a book or just not paying attention, you'll get hundreds of compilation errors. This keyboard will put spellcheck through it's paces. Sure, it's sleek, thin, and silent. But not functional.
Phantom Wrath said:
I can tell you what NOT to get. DON'T GET THIS!!! ViewSonic makes pretty good monitors, but their keyboards suck. I had this model a few years back and the damn thing would double strike letters (meaning with 1 press of the key, it'll actually produce 2 letters on screen) Imagine programming with a keyboard like that. If you're typing from a book or just not paying attention, you'll get hundreds of compilation errors. This keyboard will put spellcheck through it's paces. Sure, it's sleek, thin, and silent. But not functional.
I have the viewsonic keyboard, it works fine with me, and has been for about a year and a half. Maybe it was a fluke in your keyboard, you should've RMAed it to viewsonic.

I think the Viewsonic keyboard is actually a zippy keyboard, just re-badged as their own, because it looks exactly like this zippy here
I had a Logitech Elite Keyboard (wired version of the keyboard from the MX Duo set) and it was great.. no complaints. I recently got a Microsoft Digital Media Pro and I love it. The click of the buttons are smooth and the one great thing about it is: if you don't use the F-quick keys (like me) you can press the F-Lock button and even after rebooting or shutting down, the next time you start up your computer, it still remembers it's last setting and will stay on.
Another for the MX Duo keyboard. Perfect layout, doesn't draw so many battery life at all (still using rechargables), and also has a pretty good distance before you start to notice lag.

Unlike most wireless keyboard peope, I USE the wireless capabilities of my desktop. I'm on my bed while chatting on AIM, for example.

My bed is about 2 feet away from the charger, my keyboard is about 2 feet from the perpendicular. So my keyboard is about 3 feet (2.8 feet?) from the charger, and it still has great response time.

The only thing that would probably keep you away is the batteries. If you don't buy rechargables, it will be like buying the ink for your printer.
I remember typing on those buckling spring keyboards and I have to admit, they really did have nice tactile feedack but they were quite loud.

I personally run a Loitech Internet Navigator keyboard,CRID=2166,CONTENTID=6006

I see very little difference between the Elite keyboard which is $10 USD more expensive other than the volume control being a dial instead of two separate buttons and the Elite being black instead of white.

This is the best keyboard I have owned and it has proven to be quite durrable. Someome spilled juice on it and didn't tell me about it but I took it appart, cleaned it and put it back together and i'm still using it now.

As for cordless keyboards, the Logitech MX duo is quite nice although it's a shame to have to purchase an outdated mouse with it (comes with MX700). When I had the opertunity to use the combo I liked it though. I noticed no lag on the keyboard and found no noticable lag on the mouse either. Bother were quite comfortable.
I'm still using my Microsoft Internet Keyboard. Basic but omfg -- durable. Comfortable, no complaints *at all*. I spilled coke (yes, sticky, fat, sugary coke) on it *3* times. So what, I get agitated when I lose something and I accidently smack my coke bottle pouring it all over on my keyboard. I took the time to clean it out *3* times and it was perfect all over again. Been using it for 3+ years now. :) Got the edges worn away however because well, I type/game so much.

My next purchase for a gaming PC would be the Saitek while for another regular office PC would be of course, the Microsoft Internet Keyboard.

GeForceX said:
I took the time to clean it out *3* times and it was perfect all over again. Been using it for 3+ years now. :)

Usually, when things of mine last that long, I'll keep them despite not using it anymore because of it never letting me down.