Keyboard Snobs Rejoice


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
I posted this link in the [H]ardware Roundup previously, but there is something about this keyboard that appeals to me, even though I am far and away from a keyboard snob, like I know many of you are. Its got a bit of throw-back, a lot of minimalism, and a whole bunch of ugly. Its confusing, and I like it. TechPowerUp has a full review of the Vortex CORE Keyboard.

My main takeaway from this keyboard has been to not underestimate or dismiss any keyboard immediately. As I am typing this review on this very keyboard, I am getting more and more comfortable with it. There are still enough things to where I personally will probably not use this as a daily driver, but I will definitely make a place for this in my travel bag for when I need to transport a PC- there is not much better in such a compact size.
:) Yuk, ugly and poor functionality. Happy Hacker was a much better keyboard. Sure, it's bigger, but doesn't remove near as much functionality. I mean, you're almost to the point of a getting a half QWERTY keyboard (I mean why not?).
:) Yuk, ugly and poor functionality. Happy Hacker was a much better keyboard. Sure, it's bigger, but doesn't remove near as much functionality. I mean, you're almost to the point of a getting a half QWERTY keyboard (I mean why not?).

It has just as much functionality as a full size KB, it's just hidden under functions and layers. You get used to it after awhile so it becomes 2nd nature to hit Fn or toggle layers. I happen to like the old style beige keyboards.
It looks like they fill in the functionality with function keys, so I'm not sure I could see myself daily driving this.

Looks like it would make a fine travel keyboard though, if not a bit pricey.
I can see the appeal to some, but it holds no appeal to me. I have large hands and I find "compact" keyboards annoying to use.
Fuck your minimalism I just bought this! LIGHT MY WAY KEYBOARD!
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Rather have a big comfortable keyboard with lots of options than a small cramped one.

What are people using these for? Hopefully not gaming. I guess I could see it being used for an HTCP keyboard... but then again I want media buttons to make it easier.

Damnit... im geting old
Why is it that the less keys that you get on a keyboard, the more expensive it gets?
I constantly ask a similar question about mini-ITX cases and why less physical materials = higher $$$ than it should honestly be. (based purely on a physical material amount)
Rather have a big comfortable keyboard with lots of options than a small cramped one.

What are people using these for? Hopefully not gaming. I guess I could see it being used for an HTCP keyboard... but then again I want media buttons to make it easier.

Damnit... im geting old

I game on a 60%. The extra desk space is worth it and I keep my hands closer together while giving my mouse more room.
That definitely shows your pride off!

Which is wonderful and there is nothing wrong with that!

True story, one of my co-workers is actually gay and has a full mechanical keyboard exactly like this only he programmed his lights to go on/off waves. He types so goddamn loud you can heard it across the building I got so annoyed I got one too so I could annoy people. Then my boss and two others got the same one so now my office is just CLACK CLACKITY CLACK CLACK with RAVE LIGHTS INST INST INST and all the vendors and contractors think we're all super gay ravers. I have a feeling any day now the CEO is going to put a stop to our nonsense.

The problem for me is that I would forget the function keys and shortcuts, like almost instantly. And that would spell disaster with this kb.
I used a keyboard with blank keys for a month or two. Talking about upping your typing skills in short fashion.
The sound track of the switch click noise.... My ears shivered in pain listening to that. I understand the love for mechanical keyboards but that would drive me over the edge. Closed ear headphones a must to use that thing.
It has just as much functionality as a full size KB, it's just hidden under functions and layers. You get used to it after awhile so it becomes 2nd nature to hit Fn or toggle layers. I happen to like the old style beige keyboards.

My point is that a half QWERTY keyboard might provide more functionality without as much pain. And it's smaller.
Meh, not my cup of tea. I'll stick with my loud, clicky IBM model M keyboard. :p

I could KICK myself for getting rid of 2 black model M's back in the 90's. They were huge, loud, heavy, and I want them back.

This shorty keyboard, no number keys is a no no for me.
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Get this and a trackball and nobody would even try to use your computer.

Dont say that! I am still buying MS Trackball Explorers off Ebay at almost 250 a pop. I game with them and once I wreck one, I have to go find another... I dont need them getting scarce.
I never buy backlit keyboards that have clear parts for the lettering/lighting. I'm not a nail biter or have long fingernails but the keycaps wear out too fast and it looks a mess. Went through two sets of replacement keycaps on one board and gave up. Just bought standard Cherry keyboards after that.