Keyboards and typing...?


Limp Gawd
Jan 5, 2003
I have had my G5 for about 2 months and love it (my 1st Mac) but I have noticed a weird problem with the keyboard. When I type some keys will double when pressed onced. I have tried my windows keyboard and there is not problem but the apple keyboard contiunes even if I adjust the repeat and delay setting.

Anyone else notice this?
Take it back and go to a 'Genius' at the Apple store. They'll probably replace it. If you're not near a store, just call them up...I bet they might replace it then too.
Does the same thing happen if you use the Mac keyboard on your PC? I don't know what that would tell you if it did or didn't but it might be interesting to find out? :D
It sounds like a broken contact on the keyboard...possibly relay into the computer. Since he set the repeat and delay down I feel as though that knocks out problems to the computer itself...could be wrong though.
DatHak512 said:
Does the same thing happen if you use the Mac keyboard on your PC? I don't know what that would tell you if it did or didn't but it might be interesting to find out? :D

I'll have to try that, I'll swap my apple keyboard with my PC and see. Thanks for the suggestion!