Kick back and enjoy this 100 inch LCD MONSTER


Nov 12, 2006
And why go this way instead of front projection?? :)

nice concept for like a stadium where i could seem them using this instead of jumbotron.
papito_85 said:
now that would be awesome for gaming.

Quite the contrary, that would suck complete balls for gaming. Unless you're gaming for fun, and who the hell does that?
I suppose that could be awesome if you had a gigantic livingroom or using a resolution of 2160p or higher. :p

I see several dead/stuck pixels in that picture, also!
No thanks. I'll stick with the 70 inch Grand Wega 1080p thats in my living room. :cool:
In favor of the LCD I would have to say: better contrast ratio and color reproduction, tighter dpi, wider viewing angle, viewing conditions don't have to be as perfect or dark as they do for a projector, easier to mount/routing of wires, no need to replace a bulb or worry about hourly usage....just to name a few.
I like it, but it would be to big for my current house, I would need to get a bigger house. Hmm, If only I was rich :D
doesn't really look that clear.... look at the girls and then the pic... women look much better... well in general they do heh heh... but the women look clear and the pic doesn't...100" I guess size over quality in this case.