killed a cpu?

killed cpu?

  • yes

    Votes: 159 47.2%
  • no

    Votes: 178 52.8%

  • Total voters
Wearing socks on a carpet. Working on my brother's machine swapping CPU's with a client. Put back my brother's processor in his machine to start it up. Won't post. Then I smacked myself on the head swearing.

This was an Intel 2.4C that I fried.
Killed my 2500+ unlocked Barton along with the motherboard, a DFI Infinity LANParty NF2 :( ...

heh, I needed to go 64bit anyway.
I fried an AMD K6-2 450 (2.4v) by somehow sending 12v through it's ground plane (2.4v on Vcc - +12v on ground = 9.6v going through the chip backwards.) . Felt like a hot plate on high inside my case before I caught it. Needless to say it didn't work after that.
killed a 1200 duron after a pencil mod lol :D took it back to retailer and had it replaced with a 1333 athlon lol idiots only checked to see if the core was chipped at the edges hehehehehee
I killed an XP 2400+ back when they were still the rage I got that bad boy up to 2.4Ghz and it was going well until my water pump decided to take a dive. It got turned into a key chain for the ex, lol.
Nothing like the smell of a $300 cpu frying, you know what I mean?
my first chip i screwed was my absolutlely brand spanking new barely out the box droped intel core 2 duo e6400 that i got last week
I did...

I was a nub. bought an AMD barton, and needed some thermal paste.

bought some paste. noticed it had diagrams, used one of the diagrams for an intel p4 cpu... the ones with the IHS ... what I ended up with was a large pastey chip... bad days indeed..

AMD took it back and replaced it though :p
Close one for me, the mobo died first

Yanked out the cpu by the hsf twice on 1 day, and shoved it back in the closed socket 478 by the heatsink (also twice in that day)
first time, windows crached on me with bsod a couple of times
After the second time, nothing but silence :rolleyes:
Found a replacement P-4 2.8, installed it but nothing happend either
So had to replace the mobo
I never did test the original P-4 2.0, pretty sure it was still ticking if I would get it in a decent mobo

Ah yes, lessons to be learned
Intel P4 2.4c, trying to get to 3.6 stable. Took off the IHS and it was done. Guess I scratched it a little bit, cut a trace with the razor blade. Not fun.

It was cheap though.
A perfect thread to help me determine if my replacement CPU will fix my problems tomorrow.

When your CPU's died, did any of them cause a no-power situation? Intel tech support had me send my E6400 back after it wouldn't boot and nothing would happen when I pressed the Power button. Two different cases, 2 PSU's, and 2 motherboards were swapped trying to get it to work.

Anyone ever have this issue after killing your CPU?
Buddy gave me a Mobo and a 3200+ that had been dropped, smashing pins and etc.

I turned a 939 pin into a 937 pin CPU trying to straighten the pins on it... then... of course, popped the IHS off without a problem. :mad:
(cf)Eclipse said:
i have a random 2.4C laying around if you need a replacement still :p
I could use a 2.4C... :D

Never killed a CPU by accident, though I did break two K6-2s a year or so back while trying to pry off the heatspreaders with a screwdriver. Broke the chips clean in half, though I did get a nice look at the core :). It's also fun to take a hammer to P1s just to see what's on the inside...
MetalX said:
Nothing like the smell of a $300 cpu frying, you know what I mean?

Amen then the rock in your gut when you relize you cant afford a new one.

To dethred when mine died all the fans would spin but it would not post.
killed a pII 266 takeing the metal plate off of it to mount the HS directly to the core. slip of a screwdriver and few nicked tracings =(
it would run at like 480. checked the model off the cache chips they where the same used on 400/450s. was a sad day.
I killed a socket A chip. I forgot which, but it was 1.3ghz. I forgot to put the heatsink back on after I took it off. I booted the computer up, smelled the burn, and found that I toasted my chip.

I killed a unlocked Socket A Sempron 2400+. It took a hell of alot of punishment; lost a pin, had a pretty big chip in it, was overflowing with thermal paste, and had a burn spot from me trying to make repair ro a motherboard socket and using this cpu as the tester. It still worked for about a month, until 1 day, it just died.
I ran my Athlon XP 2500+ Mobile at 2.5 GHz for over a year and a half and it was completely stable... then it kind of stopped being so stable... then I started getting Instruction Pointer Mismatch errors... it was nice while it lasted...

Worst part was that when I got my Athlon 64 to replace it, it was a lot slower... and since my MB wouldn't overclock for anything it stayed a lot slower until I upgraded again.
4 months ago i toke off the heatsink metal thing off my X2 3800+ then it ran for 3 months then last month, it just died so i said f**k that junk CPU that i cant OC so i toke out my moded nail gun and shot it a few times. :rolleyes: * good thing i ordered a conroe the day after :D *
Killed 3 Athlon Xp's back in the days, I had a big problem putting HSF's on carefully and it chipped the die :(

I have killed 2 P4's, one I took off the HSF while the computer was on. The other the HSF was not installed correctly and POOF - SMOKE.

I was such a damn noob!