Killing Floor

Is Killing Floor good?

  • Yes

    Votes: 59 74.7%
  • No

    Votes: 20 25.3%

  • Total voters


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 21, 2007
What do you guys think? For $20 i think it's a fun little game. I think it needs to be smoothed out a little but other then that I give it the thumbs up.
I played multiplayer and got TKed 3 times...People don't know how to shoot...
I paid 14.99 pre-orderd, and I feel I paid too much :(
Maps could be a bit larger and there could be more maps but hopefully this is the start of something fun.
stutter @ start-up in the menu.

Didn't support my monitor resolution (1280x768)

servers would drop after 5-10minutes. clock would stop running and just kick everyone.

Had to play in windowed mode because of the lack of support for resolution. Seemed to dark.

Scrolling through the weapons was weird. Poor resolution on the HUD interface. Map, clock, weapons, arrows..

Was there a cross hair in the game? seemed like there wasn't..

I'll wait till first patch, and give it a go.
stutter @ start-up in the menu.

Didn't support my monitor resolution (1280x768)

servers would drop after 5-10minutes. clock would stop running and just kick everyone.

Had to play in windowed mode because of the lack of support for resolution. Seemed to dark.

Scrolling through the weapons was weird. Poor resolution on the HUD interface. Map, clock, weapons, arrows..

Was there a cross hair in the game? seemed like there wasn't..

I'll wait till first patch, and give it a go.

There's no cross hair but if you can't give a good guess where the crosshair would be you shouldn't be playing FPS games.

It seems like they need to smooth some things out (quick switch?/resolution/ect) but it has hopes to be a good game.
There's no cross hair but if you can't give a good guess where the crosshair would be you shouldn't be playing FPS games.

It seems like they need to smooth some things out (quick switch?/resolution/ect) but it has hopes to be a good game.


it has potential to be a time killer, but day 1 release.. it was meh.

I'll definatly still play it another time or two, and then give it another go after the first patch.
Yeah after being able to join a game, the game is pretty fun. There doesn't seem to be very many maps though.. so it will probably get old fast.
Got home from my girlfrieneds last night, and played from ~1-4 AM. I was laughing my ass off more than I would have expected...

-The accents don't bug me as much as I thought they would
-I realllly get a kick out of dual wielding Desert Eagles.
-I really like that there are no crosshairs, and that there are iron sights.
-I like the semi cheesy b-horror feel of the game, but they need to do a voice over for the patriarch:eek:
-I like the variety of enemies, and that they come from way up high and way down low..
-While I'm ok with only the 9mm having a flashlight, I think you should be able to buy an upgrade at the shop for the bullpup and the crossbow at the very least.
-no quick switch? :mad:

I'm excited to see where the dev's take this game...While I really do like L4D, I feel that the console-oriented match making system is inferior to the tried and true list of servers. I don't know my ping, the servers ping, or anyone elses ping...until I get into the game. No bueno. That simple fact makes this game a competitor for my time...

Edit: I may just be easy to please, but I really don't see what people are complaining about graphics wise. Considering the age of this engine, I think they made the game look incredible. Also, has anyone checked out the Killing Floor Steam forum? People are harsh :[ Which is really too bad, considering this is a break out developer with a lot of potential.. if they can do this with an aging engine, imagine what they'll be able to do with Source or unreal 3/4? Can't wait.
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5 dollar game, tops. And I'll never buy a game from Tripwire again. They duped me with Day of Defeat and it's no crosshair aiming scheme, and here it is again. A fucking first person shooter with no crosshairs.

It's so stupid it's beyond stupid.

At least they didn't make the kick on the guns so bad it would point straight up in the air after two shots.

Tripwire should have closed it's doors, not 3d.
Oh, and there is NO comparison to L4D. L4D is billions of miles ahead of this game, and I'm not huge on L4D.
Oh, and just so you know that I'm not a random hater, I can at least say I didn't experience any bugs. Worked good for me for as long as I played it.
Oh, and just so you know that I'm not a random hater, I can at least say I didn't experience any bugs. Worked good for me for as long as I played it.

I just think you're a hater because you don't know where the edit button is, and you don't know the difference between DoD and Red Orchestra....
5 dollar game, tops. And I'll never buy a game from Tripwire again. They duped me with Day of Defeat and it's no crosshair aiming scheme, and here it is again. A fucking first person shooter with no crosshairs.

It's so stupid it's beyond stupid.

At least they didn't make the kick on the guns so bad it would point straight up in the air after two shots.

Tripwire should have closed it's doors, not 3d.

You mean Red Orchestra?
As I see them, pros and cons.

Pros: The slow motion effect and the weapon models are good. Graphics are meh, good enough though.

Cons: Horrific motion blur, so disorienting and pointless. When using some of the weapons the recoil of the weapon makes the whole screen move all around. I think it's part of the motion blur...
I don't understand the bitching about not having crosshairs. Do you get crosshairs in real life? :rolleyes: People are getting spoiled.

Granted, the option to have crosshairs might have been better, but it's really not a big deal at all to me.

I haven't played this game a ton, but I definitely think it's worth the $15. It is somewhat buggy still, though. It won't ever save my fullscreen on/off option or my mouse sensitivity when I exit the game, and the server-making side is pretty busted at the moment (I got it working by forwarding a bunch of ports, but I've never had to forward ports before in a game to create a server with my router)

Graphics are excellent for U2.5 engine, gameplay seems fun, and 6 player co-op is going to be awesome (only tried it briefly with 2 people, mostly played it alone so far). I really like the variety of weapons and enemies, and the ability to weld doors is pretty cool (even though you can somehow magically weld wooden doors, lol). I also like the inventory, weapon buying, and perk system.

Overall, good potential, not quite there yet but for $15 definitely a worthwhile purchase.
i like that there isnt crosshairs.....most games i feel like im just chasing crosshairs around the screen...this gives a good feel of DONT MISS THAT SHOT! and with such little ammo to carry each shot counts.

i feel its a bit more bloody and gorier than l4d...aimed at a more mature audience, with l4d ya kinda feel like its a kids console game, dont get me wrong, i love my l4d but after this, its hard to go back.

so far most ppl are n00bs to it, still getting the hang of it and figuring it alot of games suck, espically when ppl tend to separate and move apart...stick together people!

one game someone got away from the pack and they ended up welding all the doors shut and he was stuck outside lol

as for the gfx engine and performance. slowdowns at all...good netcode because i can still play with 100 to 300 pings and its ok....usually games like this are not...but finding a good server has been hard...although i have a few favs that are in the 50's range, so good if theres an open spot

great game and i see myself wasting countless hours on it

my first recommendation for a mod will be to change the voices and euros to American voices and dollars....and a setting in down town LA....yea thats the ticket!
The lack of cross hairs makes you decide between using iron scope and losing your peripheral vision in the process(making the situation more intense) or aiming as best as you can. This is called game play, that's why they make games and you don't. It's a wonderful and welcome addition in my opinion.
honestly LOVE the game , its a good way to pass time and was well worth the 15 dollars i spent ....
ive notice the guns handle very realistically in this game
the sounds of the guns are real sounding
its a nice touch of realism that other games lack
there is alot more strategy and depth to killing floor than other co-op games
like l4d
I have enjoyed it a lot. It is very hard to find a good team on public servers, but if you get on a private one with some friends who aren't selfish and will help you weld doors instead of just going for kills the game really shines. The harder difficulties are amazing with a good team.
paid $15 for the prepurchase.... WHEN im able to actually join a game its worth it.... 90% of the games i try to join either stay at the joining ip screen or the screen just goes black....
I have enjoyed it a lot. It is very hard to find a good team on public servers, but if you get on a private one with some friends who aren't selfish and will help you weld doors instead of just going for kills the game really shines. The harder difficulties are amazing with a good team.

^ This -- The public servers make for a less than desirable experience. Everyone is stepping on top of each other trying to get kills and ammo pick ups. Playing on the [H] server or one with people you know makes this game shine.
Sometimes I spent too much time in looking for a server, but I deferentially had a blast on the hard difficulty with good teams, playing hours that looked like 30 minutes.
The games is unique enough to stand out from other games that came lately, I am addicted to it :)
I think the game's great. Give's a real sense of urgency when you're playing normal->hard servers and you start running on ammo. Plus, without crosshairs, it actually takes a bit of skill to aim and judge headshots. And like others said, if you bitch about crosshairs, do you get crosshairs in real life? :rolleyes:

I would have liked and hopefully it'll be implemented, but ability to upgrade weapons with attachments. Such as flashlight to bullpup/rifle, better scope on rifle, laser sights, etc.

Definitely worth my 15 dollars. People that complain about 15 dollars, and you'd rather pay the what, 50 dollars for COD5 : WaW??? I felt THAT game was garbage.
This game, although it is a bit rough around the edges, does a lot of things better than l4d.

Staying co-operative is highly benefical, but not brutally forced onto the players as it is in l4d.

The ability to camp in Killing Floor is counterbalanced by the shop moving around, in contrast to l4d which is oppressive and constantly being updated to remove the players' ability to protect themselves(levels edited, melee being nerfed, tank pwns all.)

The feel of the weapons is better in Killing Floor(<3 ironsights) and there is a much more even spectrum of variety, compared to l4d where you feel insecure no matter what weapon you get(there is less middle ground).

Ammo management is necessary in Killing Floor and it adds depth and excitement(every headshot feels great)

If your unhappy with L4D try Killing Floor.
For everyone who likes the game right now, do you think that feeling will last after two more weeks?