Killzone 2 screenshot?

It's already been confirmed by the developer, who at first said that it was done last Saturday in game and then backtracked by saying it was a pre-pre alpha build. I'd find you the link but it's buried somewhere in a massive NeoGAF thread.
Well its good to know that this is most likely from an earlier build of the game. Those textures are very low res. There's not much to look at in this shot, obviously, but the walls, and especially the bottom part, looks horrible. Unfortunately these guys are in a tough position, after that whole CG video shown a couple years ago.
Well its good to know that this is most likely from an earlier build of the game. Those textures are very low res. There's not much to look at in this shot, obviously, but the walls, and especially the bottom part, looks horrible. Unfortunately these guys are in a tough position, after that whole CG video shown a couple years ago.

You said it. Spitting out a video like that and only having this to show for two years of work? Something doesn't sit. I won't immediately say it is bad. They are definitely aiming for a more stylized appearance in line with the original Killzone. There are LOTS of things they need to work on. Texture quality is probably the most obvious, but check out that projected shadow.

Now that I re-check it, they really need to check the art direction again. I can understand where they are going, but that Helgast looks terribly washed out. Probably deliberate, but they really need to get some color into those textures. Flecks of drit, and muck to add earth tones could go a long way.

This is a HUGE difference from that E3 2K5 video though. Real-time or otherwise, they have had two years to get a supposedly "rendered with PS3 hardware" to "real-time on PS3 hardware". This looks like they gave up and just had to start over. Provided they genuinely believed they could reproduce that E3 video in real-time.
I think I need my eyes tested because Killzone fans are saying that of these two images, the Killzone one is better:


Am I missing something, or are they the ones going nuts? :confused:
I think I need my eyes tested because Killzone fans are saying that of these two images, the Killzone one is better:

Am I missing something, or are they the ones going nuts? :confused:

I think they are going nuts.
They are both pretty terrible screens, though. That top one has more effects going on, but c'mon... you can't tell me it looks like an interesting game. :D
They are both pretty terrible screens, though. That top one has more effects going on, but c'mon... you can't tell me it looks like an interesting game. :D

Yes, both are hideous. The top one is still better though.
I don't understand why people are excited about killzone...a sequel to a terrible will they magically get it right (omg its a halo killer) this time when the first sucked?

ps: Halo sucked too
I wonder if they are getting the rights to use the EOTECH optic on the rifle?
I love my 512 model... but if the games were trying to be more realistic, they really should use Aimpoints or my other favorite, ACOG.
I was just wondering why I never see any Aimpoints (I actually have a knockoff coming in the mail soon). There are ACOGs in Crysis though :)
I've seen some pretty damn good knock off aimpoints... A couple great fAkeCOGS too...

Guess I'll have to check out Crysis

(on a side note, I wish the gun section here did not go private. I spend all my time posting at ARFCOM now)
Why does the gun look so much better than everything else in the screenshot? :confused:
Why would they just release a screenshot like this prior to a 2.5 hour meeting? :D

I smell something fishy. ;)

Well the meeting is in ~1 hour. All shall be revealed soon. :)
Sigh, original KZ was such a blast, especially online, I couldn't stop playing it!
Now that my PS2 is gone and I just bought Xbox 360, I wish I could have had the PS2 controller and KZ2 coming to 360 as well ;)
Well its good to know that this is most likely from an earlier build of the game. Those textures are very low res. There's not much to look at in this shot, obviously, but the walls, and especially the bottom part, looks horrible. Unfortunately these guys are in a tough position, after that whole CG video shown a couple years ago.

Pish Posh, Sony told me that Killzone 2 was all Real Time Footage!!!11!1!!
It's being revealed at a private event right now. Started at 9:30 PDT. Ends at midnight. No cameras allowed, so we're not going to see anything until after it ends. Hopefully we'll hear back from these guys by 1 AM. ;)
MUCH better, however, they both look heavily doctored. They are still playing that first person perspective crap = game play, but the lack of any sort of HUD makes this a tough pill to swallow. I can understand these are easily removable elements, but when you begin to muddy up a design with crosshairs, health, etc, the visual appeal can rapidly drop.

Sure as sun shine Killzone 2 screens will become more and more aliased, and textures will become more and more blurry the closer and closer the release date draws near.

Still, the art direction seems solid enough. Maybe over the top with grays, BUT I like how they can use certain effects to better direct the player's attention. Muzzle flare, Hellgast goggles, fire. All of it stands out in a neat way. I'll keep my eyes on this, but my opinion of the screens are "doctored".
Today at 3PM, set your PS3s to download trailer. From all the hype im getting from these gaming websites and blogs i really cant wait till tomorrow.
Yeah the art direction's definitely looking good. Great attention to detail in the environments, and the lighting is especially impressive.
I wonder what it looks like in motion. There's only so much we can get from screenshots... I want to see the stuff done by the animation team (apparently IGN really liked the animation work)... hopefully the trailer gets uploaded.
IGN also mentioned that there was a very minimal HUD... hope they keep it that way.
Yeah the art direction's definitely looking good. Great attention to detail in the environments, and the lighting is especially impressive.
I wonder what it looks like in motion. There's only so much we can get from screenshots... I want to see the stuff done by the animation team (apparently IGN really liked the animation work)... hopefully the trailer gets uploaded.
IGN also mentioned that there was a very minimal HUD... hope they keep it that way.
Looks like it is that way... and i do have to agree that its pretty damn close to the E3 2005 Trailer.. the fire isnt great and the facial animations aren't as good.
Aye. The screens seem to be the real deal. Unfortunately it doesn't look AS good in motion, but still very solid. Anyway, they are still a far cry from the E3 2K5 video, but... well, damned close. Guerrilla did a nice job, this time. I still think that video was one hell of a low blow, but for the sake of what we can reasonably expect out of a PS3, I think they've done all right.

In fact, what I am most impressed with is the AI environment interaction. Essentially, how the NPCs move around is nice and solid. Really adds to the immersion. Definitely something to look out for. Game play is really the only issue, now.

Good job, Guerrilla!
If it looks that good in motion all I can say is holy shit its going to give every other games graphics a run for its money.

This is the best looking one IMO

EDIT: I saw the the video on gametrailers and the first person footage is very impressive IMO. The textures and maybe character models are the only sad part I think, but overall this is more then I expected.
Looks quite nice. A few rough edges, but considering what's happening on-screen it's pretty good.
I was really impressed w/ that video, if it ends up looking like that, playing well, and has a consistent frame rate I will have to pony up 499 for the ps3 (if I don't before that). one problem w/ sci-fi games in general though, why do they have advanced body armor but no one has a helmet? I understand they want you to be able to see the faces/hairstyles to establish character, but that really takes away from the realism. Minor gripe.