Kinect Controlling Windows 7

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
It looks like we are one step closer to controlling our PCs like Tom Cruise in the Minority Report. Not sure how this would work for browsing porn, your damn screen would keep scrolling up and down really fast. :D
Very cool. Love to see all these cool things people are doing with this device. However, most seem sketchy as in delay / lag and not so good accuracy are pretty evident.
Doesn't look good to me. He is either holding his hand up for long periods of time which is tiring or he is flailing his hand around with nothing happening on screen. I heard this will be a bigger feature in Windows 8.
Probably will work better with Kinect 2 or whatever they call it. :) Not a bad demo though.
This type of thing isn't really realistic for ongoing regular desktop usage, purely because fatigue will kick in from holding your arm up all the time. However, the powerpoint feature and maybe even media center controls using this would be very cool and convenient.
Cool idea, but my arm is tired just thinking of all this swiping and flailing around. Would be good for accessing a directory at a mall or some other quick simple interface need, but not good for a home/work use or to even just surf the net for periods longer then a few minutes. The more practical way for this to work would be similar to minority report, but more like the interfaces in Avatar, using plexiglass barrier. Have the kinect behind the plexi (or off to the sides like "edge lit lcd" technology). The plexi will act as control factor for consistent distance and locations of your hand jesters and finger movements for typing. As the kinect is now, if you pull out of range or too far to a side, you loose the connection or will experience lag while it tries to find you.
Just to add to my last post, I can see this being a good way to interface with advanced computer/radio/GPS devices in the car. You could have the translucent plexi in your view field and interact with it without taking your eyes off the road. I think the movie "I-Robot" had something like this?... or was it another movie?
I like! Can't wait until it is common. I'm guessing if done right we will see this integrated into monitors.
Looks kinda cool to me. It does not look practical in this incarnation but this seems like a step in the right direction for some specific applications.
Definitely a first foray into the tech but it looks promising. I would love to be able to switch to this kinda of control for my media center PC.
Umm It seems a lot of people here like to sit on their desks all they long and play WoW...there's sun outside you know? And this is a step back to natural order of human interaction.

Mouse SUCKS!!!
I'm not sure I like the method they chose. They're manipulating mouse control with Kinect. Why not make gesture control in and of itself? Why do they need to use mouse control?

Since they are, however, seems like they can do it better if they increase mouse sensitivity. Most of the repeated movements seem to be related to slow mouse movements. Notice how the guy waves his hand several times and the cursor barely moves.
Doesn't seem worth it from the price tag alone.

There are air mice out there that do a better job than this for less money.
Thats the most retarded shit Ive seen this week..It is only Monday though..
Ring ring

*Hello? Oh hi Tony Stark! mmmwha? You want Jarvis back? But we don't want to use that silly little Micheal Jackson rainbow glove, give us a break!
looks stupid and annoing. Who the hell wants to hold up a hand all day using a pc.

Still nothing but useless shit for the Kinect. Still have yet to see 1 good game for the piece of shit that everyone seems to love.