King Kong - Gamers' Edition - A Nightmare(pics inc).


Jun 23, 2004
This game is either a) a beast, b) poorly optimized, or c) both. I'm trying to get settings I feel are playable on an fx-55, 2 gigs of ram, and SLI GTX.

...and I'm coming in around 1024x768 with a framerate I find acceptable, LOL.

I could almost live with that, if I could set AA levels in the video driver instead of the game---can't, seriously messes up the game graphics.

Load times on a 4 raptor stripe? Worse than anything I've ever seen, even tops the largest BF2 maps.

Want it to ignore your other controllers? Too bad, you have to unplug them or it'll take input from them. Even if they're perfectly centered, no buttons pressed, the game will still SOMETIMES think they're doing something and go wacky.

Oh yeah, it'll do that with your USB keyboard too, lol. Get used to unplugging it to start the game, then plugging it in once you're fully ingame.

Oh, and this game + Fraps = first bluescreen of death ever on this rig.

Somebody posted a bit of a SLI profile on the ubisoft forums and I've been working with it to try to come up with something playable. Anybody else have what they consider a good SLI profile for this game?

Putting my tinfoil hat on, I'm starting to think this is just an xbox360 marketing tool, not a game that was actually intended to be playable on a pc.

If this game actually gave us more control over graphics settings, I could see it becoming the new high end benchmark.


the demo ran good on my machine. might be a conflict b /c you have a faster cpu
I tryed the demo but my mouse sticks in the top left hand corner of the screen and when I finally fight my way into the actual game I just spin around so fast I cant see anything....

Not sure about the pc version but the XBox version was a great game. It is very short though so I would rent it.
I played the demo and fully enjoyed my experience. I was able to crank up the settings on a P4 3.2c & X850XT
The demo was good. This is the "Gamer's Edition". The one that is totally un-optimized so people will buy the xbox360 version instead.
It isn't the demo, lol, read the title.

It looks really good in motion, at least the opening scenes in the sea/ocean. I'm not going to actually play the game until I can get a good framerate at a resolution higher than 1024x768, though.

If you still have the demo, go back to the title menu and compare it to the picture I posted, you should see quite a bit of difference.
bladeiai said:
I tryed the demo but my mouse sticks in the top left hand corner of the screen and when I finally fight my way into the actual game I just spin around so fast I cant see anything....


I had that problem too, thought it was just me.
Yeah it runs really crappy. Doesn't look good enough for how it runs on my single GTX either. It doesn't matter if it looks and plays better on an xbox360, so let's not start that, because this is just clearly not written well for PC's. The characters look great but the environment is so-so, and there is no reason to run like it does.
bladeiai said:
I tryed the demo but my mouse sticks in the top left hand corner of the screen and when I finally fight my way into the actual game I just spin around so fast I cant see anything....


You have to unplug all other usb devices like controllers, joysticks, pads, alternate keyboards, etc.

Only thing you can have plugged in is the mouse and keyboard you're using.

Oh, and if that keyboard happens to be a Saitek, you're still screwed.

I guess when they hired somebody with DirectInput experience, he thought they were referring to his rectum.
eastvillager said:
I guess when they hired somebody with DirectInput experience, he thought they were referring to his rectum.

Sig worthy
eastvillager said:
You have to unplug all other usb devices like controllers, joysticks, pads, alternate keyboards, etc.

Only thing you can have plugged in is the mouse and keyboard you're using.

Oh, and if that keyboard happens to be a Saitek, you're still screwed.

I guess when they hired somebody with DirectInput experience, he thought they were referring to his rectum.

it does happen to be a saitek = (
bladeiai said:
it does happen to be a saitek = (

Same here. I've got spare keyboards lying around, but I'm thinking I might as well wait for a patch that fixes this issue and hopefully most of the others.

What I should really be doing is trying to get a refund back for a game that appears to have had little or no QA. When I take a dump, it gets more QA than this game.
Asian Dub Foundation said:
thx for the heads up...goin to buy the game soon

All PC versions have the USB issue, fyi, not just the gamer edition.

It also doesn't deal well with dual core/hyperthreading, so you'll need that hotfix from microsoft if you're sporting either of those features.

Oh, and if you find yourself falling through the map all the time, reduce your resolution to 800x600, get through that area, then go back to whatever your normal resolution(I'm not shitting you on this one, lol).
eastvillager said:
All PC versions have the USB issue, fyi, not just the gamer edition.

It also doesn't deal well with dual core/hyperthreading, so you'll need that hotfix from microsoft if you're sporting either of those features.

Oh, and if you find yourself falling through the map all the time, reduce your resolution to 800x600, get through that area, then go back to whatever your normal resolution(I'm not shitting you on this one, lol).

sounds like another great "quality" game...
bladeiai said:
sounds like another great "quality" game...

Don't have to look much farther to see why PC Gaming is fading while consoles rule supreme.

eastvillager said:
You have to unplug all other usb devices like controllers, joysticks, pads, alternate keyboards, etc.

Only thing you can have plugged in is the mouse and keyboard you're using.

Oh, and if that keyboard happens to be a Saitek, you're still screwed.

I guess when they hired somebody with DirectInput experience, he thought they were referring to his rectum.

Lmfao! The same shit happened to me, but screw it.
Pkirk618 said:
game runs great even on my laptop :D

Are some people remembering that there are 2 versions of this game? The "low poly/effects" version, the regular version, for low/mid-end PCs and all consoles except X360, and the "Gamers Edition" which is for high-end PCs only (3ghz 7800GT+ types) and the X360.
Last post was a week ago, but I'd like to add I'm getting the whole spinning mouse conundrum in the demo. I too have a Saitek keyboard. What the hell is with this? Ugh, and I thought a keyboard was a keyboard was a keyboard. Oh well, they won't be getting my money.