Kingston HyperX Ram PC4000 1GB (2x512) Cheap!!


Limp Gawd
Feb 7, 2006
I have 2 512MB Kingston HyperX PC4000 DDR chips.

(click for pic)

They run great, about a year old. They work great in dual-channel, although they were not purchased as a dual-channel kit.

I've been running them at 250mhz (DDR500) for a few months now, never even a slight problem. Haven't tried pushing them past that. Timings at 500mhz, as per Kingston are 4-4-8-1, cl3, which kinda sucks, but they run well. Sandra tests at 250 are around 5700mb/s on my motherboard.

I have no pics, as I have no digital camera. The model numbers are KHX4000/512. I could get serial numbers when I get home from work, if someone really needs them.

I need money ASAP. If you can pay by Paypal by 8pm, I'll let these go for CHEAP for the pair. General selling price (ZZF) for one of these chips is $122.

Asking $90 SHIPPED USPS Priority Mail, with delivery confirmation and insurance(OBO) for the pair, if Paypal'd by 8pm on Thursday 4/20!! (tonight!)

Also, selling an Athlon64 3500+ (clawhammer), if anyone is interested... About a year and a half old, runs 2.5 1 week Prime stable, at 42C load, on air! (Coolermaster Hyper6+) YMMV, of course.

Asking $90 SHIPPED USPS, dc, etc (OBO)... may take a lowball if they can pay by 8pm tonight!

PM me offers, I need the money pretty fast. The memory would ship out on Monday or Tuesday, at the latest.

Heat (1-0-0) at DarkSi.


edit - lowered price and added processor :D

edit: I definitely understand the fishy smell. Need the money tonight because I have to spend a ton of money tomorrow - need to get the car insurance paid before I lose it.

I've been here for a little while, and I have no intention of leaving yet, I still need some more new stuff! :p

Seriously though, if you're skeptical, I'll do anything I can to sway you. Call me, stop by if you're in the area, etc. PM me and I'll give you any info you need.

edit: added 'pics' - I don't have a digi cam, but I have a scanner!

Thanks! :D
Sorry for the early bump... But I adjusted prices, and need this sold tonight!