

Jun 23, 2006
im looking at these 2 cards and one says just GT and other says GT KO wat does KO mean??
I assume you're looking at EVGA cards...the KO is slightly overclocked (the "superclock" model goes higher) and has a larger (and quieter) cooler that covers the ram.
It does mean knock out edition , doesnt it.?

I know its overclocked more than usual but the KO does stand for knock out.
It's got a copper cooling along with it, same with the CO. Why not call eVGA to get a proper answer?
The Evga 7900GT Ko is clocked at 500Mhz for the GPU and 1320Mhz for the ram. The KO Superclocked it set at 580Mhz for the GPU and 1580Mhz for the Ram.

~ Novensu
Yes we all know the speeds. I think I speak for everyone when i say, we still don't know what the f'ing K and O stand for. A friend of mine from new york developed a theory in opposition to the knock out theory. He stated it could possibly mean "Knicks Own". Personally, I think KO stands for Kate Olsen, the revision of the Mary Olsen stepping. I also predict that the Ashley Olsen (AO) version will be clocked even higher than the signature series and each stock cooler will be signed by the olsen twins.
Likewise, instead of over clocked, I believe the oc in the 7900gt oc versions stand for Chris O' Donnell, which explains them dying and being able to take a hefty speed dose (boost) via voltmod prior to their deaths.

I have a serious question. Can the vanilla 7900gt surpass the overclock capabilites of a ko or super clock? Do the speedbinned versions get coolers that are better than the vanilla coolers? When I see the pictures on Newegg, the coolers all look the same.

Edit: I accidentally mistook Chris O'donnell for chris farley. I rescind my previous theory and introduce the theory that the OC stands for Chinese Orchestra. My reasoning is that the stock fan is as loud or louder than all of the children in china taken from the age of 5 to become orchestra players.
teapotman said:
ok can someone just tell me which one is better lol GT KO or GT
Well, the KO is slightly overclocked and has a larger cooler that covers the ram.
Geez people. Ain't that difficult here.
In order of betterness.


7900GT CO
7900GT KO
7900GT CO SC
7900GT KO SC
7900GT Signature
7900GT 512mb
Brahmzy said:
Geez people. Ain't that difficult here.
In order of betterness.


7900GT CO
7900GT KO
7900GT CO SC
7900GT KO SC
7900GT Signature
7900GT 512mb


honestly though, why wouldn't you call evga if you were going to make a purchasing decision to get a 100% sure answer that'd take five minutes to get? they're open 24/7 for crying out loud...