Koolance LGA 1366 Sneak


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Whether you think this is just dumb, silly, stupid, or the coolest thing since sliced bread, I hope you at least get a laugh out of it. I know I did! And it was the most fun I have had with a water block this week, well, besides cooling i7 processors...

N.W.O. (yes Ministry) is a fantastic song. I'm digging it.

Oh, and the Water Block is ok too.
I'm guessing the towel was necessary as Koolance wouldn't take the waterblock back if it had been contaminated by drool... ;)
You made it seem like a sports car. But it wasn't. It was a hunk of metal. But at least you made it exciting.
Yeah, I clicked on the video to check it out, went to full screen and to my suprise....... Ministry. Of course right about in the middle of the sneak peak vid, my wife comes in and tells me to stop watching music video's and to help her in the kitchen.
Yeah, I clicked on the video to check it out, went to full screen and to my suprise....... Ministry. Of course right about in the middle of the sneak peak vid, my wife comes in and tells me to stop watching music video's and to help her in the kitchen.

You made me LOL.
yeahhhh... came into this expecting the block to spurt water all over the towel or something. Good music though :)
Best freakin' sneak peak EVA!

Ministry rocks and the water block looks cool too. :D
So how long until we get a full review of this? I would love to see some pics of the internals :)
Haha, nice to know me and [H] have similar tastes in music.
This was a dissapointment, not funny nor entertaining at all. You either (a) Have way too much time on your hands (b) Been inside too long...
The fly overs and drive by's views were interesting.....I was like, Oh there it goes....here it comes back.....it's gone again. Always good to see new stuff coming to the market.
This was a dissapointment, not funny nor entertaining at all. You either (a) Have way too much time on your hands (b) Been inside too long...

B. Definitely B.
This was a dissapointment, not funny nor entertaining at all. You either (a) Have way too much time on your hands (b) Been inside too long...

Was not dissapointed at all myself. This video made koolance actually look good for once.

Nice job kyle
AM I the only one who silently heard tie-fighter sounds when the block went swooping past?
sorry this video made me laugh out of my chair. Thanks for the vid! lol
This video makes me want to beat someone over the head with a Koolance block. Obviously, this format works for me. That block looks sweet.
I think you need to have the first part of the sound from that be the intro sound on every [H] review.
Leave it to Kyle to make a Koolance product look good. (impending flame war, runs for the door)
High point of video : Ministry - Superior choice in music, hats off to ya Kyle

Mid point of video : Waterblock - Actually not a bad looking block considering these are the same people that made this

Low point of video : Towel - Knowing full well that it was used at some point to wrap around Kyle after a shower <shudder>
I think it is time to declare:

Kyle, you have too much time on your hands.

it keeps tick tick tick ticking awaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy
I think that we need a few more people to join GenMay so that Kyle can scrounge up some $$ to get a white sheet instead of using this mornings towel that as Soulsend pointed out has touched Kyle in naughty places.....
Interestingly enough, Koolance's new block in the video is not perfectly flat on the mating surface. Koolance claimed to have data showing that VERY slightly concave surface actual gave better performance when properly installed.