Koss SB45 mic went from clear and crisp to drowned out crap.

Celestial Avenger

Limp Gawd
Jul 12, 2005
I bought this headset yesterday, and the first time I used it, the recording quality was clear (for the most part) and sounded very good. A few hours later, I tried to record again, and it sounded like drowned out crap. I tried to change every setting imaginable, unplug it, plug it back in, change 500 different audio settings, and none of it can get anywhere close to the original quality it was at.

If anybody has experience with this headset, have you had consistency problems too? How did you fix it? If this keeps up, this headset will be completely worthless for my project.

*edit* More problems arose, and it just seems like my ears can't take the headset at all.

Also, even if I get the audio quality improved, it won't be where I want it to be. This is a great microphone for playing video games or doing chats, but it is not a competent mic for creating films. D'agh, I should've known that upgrading from a $10 mic to a $30 headset meant that I would get $20 headphones with a $10 mic.
Koss has a lifetime no bs return policy. Even if you don't have a receipt I believe.