L.E.D question


Aug 16, 2003
Alrighty my other motherboard fried my leds and I wanna get new ones off of ebay. I know there 5mm but should i go with 4000mcd ones or 6000mcd??? Will the 6000mcd ones blind you? They will be used for Hard drive and Power lights. HELP?
try superbrightleds.com and yes 6000mcd is really damn bright, im running 3mm 3500 and its still really bright. but thats your desicion on what brightness you want
as a afterthought, if its too bright pop another resistor on it, that will dim it down. you can get dimmer but not brighter. blue leds in general can be run straight off of 5v even tho their not rated for it, mines been running over a year no dimming i can notice because of over voltage
L.E.D. answer: read the faq............................fack!

and it's "they're so expensive" ........sheesh.