L4D 14.99 on Steam

The game was a huge success and I personally got loads of enjoyment playing the campaigns and the survival modes. The re-playability after beating all of the campaigns isn't there, and the multi-player is generally one sided; but all in all its a fantastic game. Well worth $15 to anyone who hasn't purchased the game yet.
They're tryring to get as many people hooked as possible before L4D2 drops, methinks.
I really thought about buying it, but I think I will pass. I played the game and it was cool blasting zombies, but it gets old very quick.
I bought it at Amazon during a $29.99 sale and I was happy with the game. I haven't tried MP yet but I did have fun playing through all of the SP campaigns.
Dern it. I always said that when the game came down to $19.99 I'd buy it. My son has it on his PC, but this way we could play online together. Must...resist...urge.
Steam just informed me about an update to L4D not more than 5 minutes ago.

Left 4 Dead

A new campaign, "Crash Course", is now available for play in Campaign, Versus and Survival modes

In Versus mode, all weapons, pills, health packs, molotovs, pipe bombs and other items will now be identical for the second round of a chapter

Matchmaking has had several improvements to make finding and joining games even faster

Ten all new "Crash Course" achievements have been added
Hmm, I've played in the beta and free events. Still not sure if I want it. Is this a fun one to play drunk?
it's fun with 4 friends. probably will be fun with 4 drunk friends haha. i wouldn't buy it though. i'd just wait for l4d2...
Left 4 Dead should be price at $30. $15 is a good deal. I got ripped off by valve by paying their "grand opening" price of 45 (or was it 50). Game is worth at most $30.

It's a hallow shell with a lot of potential but only delivers a few hours of fun without much depth.

Hmm, I've played in the beta and free events. Still not sure if I want it. Is this a fun one to play drunk?

YES! As long as the people you're playing with are all mic'ed up and want to have a good time it's a blast wasted.
I see the price is now inversely proportional to the number of teamkillers. :p
The game was a huge success and I personally got loads of enjoyment playing the campaigns and the survival modes. The re-playability after beating all of the campaigns isn't there, and the multi-player is generally one sided; but all in all its a fantastic game. Well worth $15 to anyone who hasn't purchased the game yet.

there are more campaigns to download from 3rd party creators that are quite good.
$15 is a very good value.
When L4D2 comes out, they might bundle L4D1 for free. Especially since its their game. They did this for far cry 1/2 and a couple of games.
It's a fun game and easily worth $15. By far the most fun that I've had in an mp fps in a long time.
if you're going to play versus you MUST have a mic. its crucial everyone is on the same page. best games are where everyone is playing to win and giving advice and how best to handle the situation.
anyone buying the Left 4 Dead 4 pack?

$45, $11.25 each

I'd be willing to buy from someone who has trading/selling feedback like heat or iTrader
Was waiting for this. It'll most likely go up in price for a while, then hit the bargain bin, again. $15 seems totally worthwhile. Not such a bad idea to buy most of your games about six months after release. You can save a heck of a lot of money on the games, and you can get away with investing in a slower rig. The price of the rig + games goes down exponentially.
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What killed the game for me had nothing at all to do with the gameplay. The biggest problem is the STUPID MOTHERFUCKING MATCHMAKING SYSTEM (and I apologize for the capital letters). Seriously, it was so bad and mixed with the fact that the other team would quit in 95% of the games I was lucky to get 1 full game in per month when trying to play 5 times a week. It was absolutely sickening how infrequently a decent game of Left 4 Dead could be played. It was OK shortly after release, but then they started making all these bullshit changes to the matchmaking that simply fucked it up even worse.

That said, the game is worth buying at $15.
I bit, hoping the single player is worth $15 as I hear nothing but bad things about the multiplayer portions.
L4D is full of asshats, unless you play with friends the game is boring because you find yourself in teams where people don't know that to do, griefers who suicide...

Then gameplay is so boring,
1 run to the safe house and watch to not get boomed
2 run together so smoker can't pull you
3 go around the witch
4 watch for the tank, throw a molo and pump all the shit you got
5 get in to the safe house and swap sides.
6 Every now and then you'll have some rambo who annoys the fuck out of the team that runs by themselves and gets kicked...

Infected side,
1 Wait for whoever the boomer is can boom the survivors, usually is a big miss
2 The smoker will always pull someone when no one is ready
3 Smoker/Boomers are dead and 2 hunters left which 1 do a 10point dmg pounce the other one misses and both dead
4 Noob gets the tank and starts to throw rocks and gets moloed...
Wait 30 secs rinse and repeat.

All that if 1 team is better than the other you'll have rage quiters, nice game nice concept and shitty people. Because when you play public this is the shit you'll find.
L4D was awesome right after its release (because not everyone could afford it yet - haha no offense). So you got guys with mics and they actually talk like a freaking human being, help each other out...or whatever.

Like Fafeifa said, it's full of asshats now. Good thing I have my own server and enough friends to play versus all by ourselves.

The matchmaking idea was really good on paper! That's all I'm going to say.

Wait, maybe I'm just not into L4D anymore so I'm not a 'gamer' anymore. Lol.

Looking forward to L4D2..gonna play it while few people have it. Once the community goes to shit, it's time to uninstall it.
L4D was awesome right after its release (because not everyone could afford it yet - haha no offense). So you got guys with mics and they actually talk like a freaking human being, help each other out...or whatever.

Like Fafeifa said, it's full of asshats now. Good thing I have my own server and enough friends to play versus all by ourselves.

The matchmaking idea was really good on paper! That's all I'm going to say.

Wait, maybe I'm just not into L4D anymore so I'm not a 'gamer' anymore. Lol.

Looking forward to L4D2..gonna play it while few people have it. Once the community goes to shit, it's time to uninstall it.

Not worth the $15 now for the game... I bought it like 3 month after the game was released and got to play with friends but now save yourself $15 and some serious grief.
I enjoyed the free weekend and have a group of guys to play it with... shouldbe worthwhile for me. Thanks OP!