L4D2 - Dark Carnivals, Electric Guitars, and Crowbars

The Jockey sounds evil, piggy back riding you and leading you off towards hoards or zombies.

The game is looking great, can't wait. I really wish there were more campaigns though, 5 isn't enough. I guess there is always 3rd party campaigns

When is Crash Course out for L4D anyway?
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Looks...well like the first one.

I'll wait until they finish that one first then might pick up L4D2
I'll most likely be getting L4D2 but I sure hope it's not $49.99.
Really can't wait for this game. I'll probably play it just like I did L4D...150 hours at launch and then staggerlingly through the rest of the year and next...unless it is better, which I'm very much hoping it is, especially with (probable) new campaigns at launch, a bigger community, better players...because the L4D community right now utterly blows. Way too many hackers and punks.

I'll most likely be getting L4D2 but I sure hope it's not $49.99.


Hey look, I can do that too! Sorry, but the game definitely should not be $49.99.

Cool guy huh?

The game features five whole new enviornments to play in, four whole new characters, new genral and special infected, and lots of new weapons (including melee weapons). How the hell does that not warrant a new game? I swear to God, you guys think that everything should be free. It's a damn lot of new content, not some addon map like all the "L4D2 cool haters" are conveying. Suck it up.
Cool guy huh?

The game features five whole new enviornments to play in, four whole new characters, new genral and special infected, and lots of new weapons (including melee weapons). How the hell does that not warrant a new game? I swear to God, you guys think that everything should be free. It's a damn lot of new content, not some addon map like all the "L4D2 cool haters" are conveying. Suck it up.

you fell for it.

its a re-hash of the old game, there is no escaping it.

its basically a mod.

Hey look, I can do that too! Sorry, but the game definitely should not be $49.99.

I agree, the amount of content in L4D on release was not worth the price, if L4D2 sells at a full price point with similar amount of content to L4D then I won't be getting it until it drops in price.

The fact that some other people can play the same content over and over again without getting bored of it doesn't improve my experience with it, content wise it has a very small amount of levels.

In fact its kind of a shame to make so many props for their game and then make so few maps, you could take what props they have now and make many more unique interesting maps which takes only a small amount of development time, kind of what the community are doing.
Some people have short memories.
Remember blue shift? Opposing force? Full game price, 1/4 game content.
Ill wait until L4D "content patch" is below $30 and then go for it.
Have I missed something? I can't see anything between Ellis' legs!

The only thing I'm not enamoured with so far is the daylight setting, night themed is much more atmospheric and brooding

How did I know that this thread would start to turn into an anti L4D2 thread. Heard it's just a mod, not enough content stuff before - boring.
How did I know that this thread would start to turn into an anti L4D2 thread. Heard it's just a mod, not enough content stuff before

because thats what sums this game up. i have no reason to believe itll be fun for more than 20 hours - just like the first wasnt. it was great for 10 hours, but after that....nah.

and unless it manages to do that, and the community is a bunch of 12 year olds and hackers...screw it....
Versus is what keeps me playing L4D. Co-Op on anything other than expert is just silly and Survival does not interest me. But Versus is fan friggin tastic.
Versus is what keeps me playing L4D. Co-Op on anything other than expert is just silly and Survival does not interest me. But Versus is fan friggin tastic.

I absolutely despise versus TBH. When you are an Infected its about 90% waiting then dying the second the non-infected arrive and when you are non-infected, its no different then co-op. (which I like).

I like just about everything but versus.
What happens if you have a melee weapon.. and you get incapped? You dont have any pistols to shoot.
For you people that are complaining how boring campaign, etc. was: You really should have researched L4D before buying it. The game was made for versus. It's like buying Quake 3: Arena and bitching about the lame single player.
Am I really the only one who things Versus is the worst part of L4D? Half the time its just like Coop campaign and the other half your either dead or waiting to strike... And the second you do strike you die 2 seconds later. Boring much?
Am I really the only one who things Versus is the worst part of L4D? Half the time its just like Coop campaign and the other half your either dead or waiting to strike... And the second you do strike you die 2 seconds later. Boring much?

Sounds to me like you don't like it because you are bad at infected. Play with some people that know what coordination is and it's fun and not that hard to kill people.
I agree, the amount of content in L4D on release was not worth the price, if L4D2 sells at a full price point with similar amount of content to L4D then I won't be getting it until it drops in price.
I got my money out of L4D, I think, but only because I had friends to play it with. I doubt I know anyone who's getting L4D2, so it won't be worth it this time around.

$24.99...maybe. $49.99? You've gotta be out of your fuckin' mind!

Am I really the only one who things Versus is the worst part of L4D?
Nope. Versus seems like pointless point-chasing. The real meat of L4D are the campaigns.
Sounds to me like you don't like it because you are bad at infected. Play with some people that know what coordination is and it's fun and not that hard to kill people.

Meh, I don't even want to play it enough to get "good" at it, its just to damn boring. Not to mention I don't have any RL friends that play PC games. There all console-tards. :p
Meh, I don't even want to play it enough to get "good" at it, its just to damn boring. Not to mention I don't have any RL friends that play PC games. There all console-tards. :p

So buy it for the XBOX and join those console-tards. :D
There are people who'd perform a self-circumcision before they'd switch from KB/M to a controller for FPSs. I know I would ;)
There are people who'd perform a self-circumcision before they'd switch from KB/M to a controller for FPSs. I know I would ;)

But then there are those who are already circumcised, where do they fall in? :p
There are people who'd perform a self-circumcision before they'd switch from KB/M to a controller for FPSs. I know I would ;)

Ya damn right. Last console I owned before building a gaming PC was a PS2 and I intend to keep it that way.
I have fun playing Co-op drunk as shit and loud. On Advanced, not expert. Hard enough that you have to try, but still fun.

I'll buy it when one of those Korean sites sell Keys for 20 bucks. I bought L4D for 50 and felt ripped off a little. Will not do again.

New customs are making things cool again luckily.
Looks sweet, I can't wait.

If you are not playing VS you are missing out on the main point of the game and the factor that makes it well worth the 49.99 price tag.
i will not support valve on this game no matter how good the game is or how cheap the price is !
I have fun playing Co-op drunk as shit and loud. On Advanced, not expert. Hard enough that you have to try, but still fun.

I'll buy it when one of those Korean sites sell Keys for 20 bucks. I bought L4D for 50 and felt ripped off a little. Will not do again.

New customs are making things cool again luckily.

You drink and play video games? That's... sad. I thought you were supposed to go out with friends and do that.