LA Noire PC sucks.


[H] Brewmaster
May 17, 2005
Picked this up against my better judgement on the steam sale. Wow. What bullshit. Had to wait like 4 minutes while it checked for DLC. Graphics fucking suck big time. Performance is terrible (2500k/560ti). Anyone get it running decent?
For me the game loaded fairly quickly and it performed perfectly and the graphics do not suck. They're not "zomg super amazing" but they're fine. There are areas between amazing and crap, not sure why people don't realize this.
Opinions may differ but I would say that the graphics were not acceptable for a game released this year. I also read they capped the fps at 30. Pop in is bad too. This game is console slop.
Opinions may differ but I would say that the graphics were not acceptable for a game released this year. I also read they capped the fps at 30. Pop in is bad too. This game is console slop.

What about the game itself?
What about the game itself?

Couldn't stomach enough to find out. Could be good, but fact is I've got a lot of other games in my backlog that do look good. I started to dig around the net for tweak guides etc, but after reading about locked fps I was done.
What about the game itself?

I played the game on the PS3 when it came out and I went ahead and returned it to Amazon after 3 days of owning it and was happy to eat the cost in shipping.

^^ This review comes pretty close to how I feel about the game. It doesn't matter what platform it's on.

It's well known by now that this was given a half ass port to the PC. I really don't why they bothered at all especially when the demand is really for a sweet Red Dead Redemption along the lines of how GTAIV was handled.
the game is perma-capped at 30fps, because of the limits of the face-animation tech. As for any other complaints, its probably because its a shoddy console port
Game runs fine for me. Doesn't feel like a console port at all.
Wow, OMG graphics bad = bad game.

lol. One of the best games I played this year ON PC. No issues with performance. Runs pegged to 30 fps without a hitch. Facial animation is one of best I have seen. Graphics generally are good for an open world game. Fantastic adventure gameplay and overall a great storyline. Well worth 25 bucks I paid for it since I got 30 hours of game out of it.

After seeing facial work done in this game, you would be hard pressed to enjoy any other. At least I cannot.
I was going to buy it for the PC, but ended up getting a copy for the 360.
Not sure when I'll have time to play it though. I still have yet to play GTA4.
Console game ported to the PC has lower quality graphics than expected ...

News at 11.
how are the controls? any input for keyboard and mouse vs xbox controller for pc?
how are the controls? any input for keyboard and mouse vs xbox controller for pc?
Controls are just fine. I used the X360 controller because it is an adventure game and I can aim fine in gun shootouts. Best part is that both k+m and X360 pad work at the same time while playing the game. So for action scenes I reverted to k+m for shooting etc. For everything else I use the X360 pad.

Game control config is actually very well done for a port.
Heh...I played LA Noire on a friends PS3, quite enjoyed the stories and detective work and was really impressed with the animation system they'd used, first significant improvement in games technology I've seen in years.

Borrowed a copy of the game on the PS3 a few days ago and started playing, but then over Xmas I grabbed it for cheap on the steam deals, literally last night I got my PS3 controller working on my PC through Bluetooth, so I've now set that up to my projector and can play on the comfort of my sofa with proper PS3 controller but without the horribly shit graphics of the PS3.

The game took a bashing from a lot of people but I honestly like it, typical high quality R* title.
So this game isnt worth 12 bucks?

I think it is. Honestly the first thing that I noticed in the first scene when you're driving to the first crime scene is the city looked pretty bare, not much detail/textures etc. sorta reminded me of Mafia 1 graphics. Barring all the graphics/30 fps complaints, although I only had time to play 1/2 hour, it seems like a pretty good story if you're into those times of adventure games. I think it's worth the $12.

It's not an action packed fast paced FPS or racing game, being capped at 30 fps isn't really a big deal.
To each his own. I bought it for $12 and am enjoying it. If "n00b" and "leet" are still in your everyday chat vocabulary, it probably isn't the game for you.
anybody having a problem with the audio not syncing to the video? it's horrible to hear a conversation and noises before it happens on screen, not to mention the it doesn't match their lips at all...

not sure what the issue is - I tried low settings too and would still get it during longer cutscenes/interviews

Running a i7-920 w/ 8GB ram and a 2GB 6950 @ 1920x1080x60 (also tried the x30) :confused:
To each his own. I bought it for $12 and am enjoying it. If "n00b" and "leet" are still in your everyday chat vocabulary, it probably isn't the game for you.

Or if decent graphics and proper PC support are important to you then skip this title.
Or if decent graphics and proper PC support are important to you then skip this title.

Or if having a narrative that doesn't fall off a cliff (post Homicide especially), having a main character that you can actually get behind at all, and something with any replay value whatsoever are important to you, also recommend skipping this title.

Great potential. Fascinating experiment. Could have and should have been a LOT more. Nice facial animations that arguably set a new standard. Nice music. These are the only positive things I can say about this game with a straight face. YMMV.
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Why would you buy anything capped at 30fps? Vote with your dollars or theyll never stop making crap like this.
Why would you buy anything capped at 30fps? Vote with your dollars or theyll never stop making crap like this.

Maybe if you took a couple minutes to do research you would understand why they capped it low. It has nothing to do with it being a port and everything to do with the facial animation engine. It works at 30FPS, not at 60.
Maybe if you took a couple minutes to do research you would understand why they capped it low. It has nothing to do with it being a port and everything to do with the facial animation engine. It works at 30FPS, not at 60.

Yes but see I dont give a crap about facial animations. All my favorite games dont have any facial animations and I would never in a million years sacrifice half (or more) of my framerate just for a dumb wink or grin. Gameplay > Graphics for me always. If I want graphics ill watch toy story 3 or play Dragons Lair.
Yes but see I dont give a crap about facial animations. All my favorite games dont have any facial animations and I would never in a million years sacrifice half (or more) of my framerate just for a dumb wink or grin. Gameplay > Graphics for me always. If I want graphics ill watch toy story 3 or play Dragons Lair.

*Facepalm.* The facial animation system is PART OF THE GAMEPLAY!
Yes but see I dont give a crap about facial animations. All my favorite games dont have any facial animations and I would never in a million years sacrifice half (or more) of my framerate just for a dumb wink or grin. Gameplay > Graphics for me always. If I want graphics ill watch toy story 3 or play Dragons Lair.

Point of the game, you have missed.
This thread is blowing my mind. It appears that different people have different opinions on whether a particular game was entertaining. Who woulda guessed?
The game is nice if you like GAMES.

If all you care about is performance and graphics, then I would say it could be better for the stress you would think this level would put on the system.

bad graphics = bad game

The story of the games forum.

And I have no idea how well this game controls with a mouse and keyboard. I am using an Xbox 360 controller since it was clearly designed for one. Works great as does Skyrim and Dirt 3.
the game is perma-capped at 30fps, because of the limits of the face-animation tech. As for any other complaints, its probably because its a shoddy console port

Turns out this was BS explanation because there is a 60 FPS hack out there that works perfectly fine (tested with FRAPs and my own eyes).
I wish i could get 30fps! Really all graphic opts.on performance,all unnecessary progs and services shut down.and it still runs at 10fps.thats not all,keyboard/mouse controls slow to respond if they respond at all.this is the only game i have problems with.even RAGE works without a hitch.
Maybe if you took a couple minutes to do research you would understand why they capped it low. It has nothing to do with it being a port and everything to do with the facial animation engine. It works at 30FPS, not at 60.

That is bullshit. The facial animations work fine at above 30fps. I used the frame unlocker to unlock the frame cap and the facial animations work fine at higher frames than 30. The REAL reason its locked to 30 is because the game is highly unoptimized... but you wouldnt know that since they locked the frames at 30. For example, when playing you could be in a building and getting 80fps but pan the camera to the left a little and it drops off to the 30ish area.