LA Noire PC

Yeah, I'm hoping too. Not really that bothered about LA Noire, but I'd be all over RDR.

This thread may have been an excuse to drum up support for an RDR port. I'm not really caring too much about LA Noire, but porting this may lead to getting a game I'd actually like to play more of ported :eek:
I have RDR on the PS3, there's just some games that are better played on consoles than PC, and this is true.

RDR is one of them.
Lol at the "and asks for a lot in terms of recommended specifications." so a 6850 is asking for a lot huh....
I have RDR on the PS3, there's just some games that are better played on consoles than PC, and this is true.

RDR is one of them.

i enjoyed GTA4 much more on PC than console so I don't see why RDR would be different

could just connect a controller if that's how you want to play

mouse completely trivialized any shooting parts in GTA4
i ended some chase missions in seconds just cause i managed to aim to their face before they could get more than 10 feet.
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I just don't think RDR is coming to the PC. Hate to say it. But whenever Rockstar does this they always seem to delay the PC version by about six months. We are way past that window for RDR.
I just don't think RDR is coming to the PC. Hate to say it. But whenever Rockstar does this they always seem to delay the PC version by about six months. We are way past that window for RDR.

Well, I can surely keep my money. I only hope it doesn't start a fire in my pocket.
Still doubt the RDR port.

Rockstar is just trying to make some money off LA Noire after it's performance was a bit disappointing. Team Bondi went bankrupt and closed up shop didn't it?

It didn't sell that bad. Team Bondi was fucked success or not.
Since the first announcement of RDR:
"Hey Rockstar, could we get a RDR port?"
"Hey Rockstar, could we get a RDR port?"
"Hey Rockstar, could we get a RDR port?"
"Hey Rockstar, could we get a RDR port?"

"Hey! We're porting LA Noire!"

PC community:
"Whatever...Hey Rockstar, could we get a RDR port?"

Is it that they're not listening or they just don't care?
LA Noire looks fun enough, but Rockstar would better please everyone with RDR.
I wonder if the Red Dead Redemption port hasn't happened because of any inexperience that Rockstar San Diego has with developing for could be quite intimidating, given how poorly the GTA4 port was received. The only games San Diego have on the PC are Midtown Madness and Midnight Club installments.
I loved Midtown Madness! Haha.

Yeah I have LA Noire on PS3, but have not played it yet. Not sure if should wait for PC or if it even matters.
It didn't sell that bad. Team Bondi was fucked success or not.

Yeah. The lead (his name was something like Macnamara or something like that) was an absolute twat. It's a good thing they don't exist any more.

But seriously.

RDR port?
I had the date down as '2011-11-04' for EU since earlier. Now they're saying they'll release it the same day as Skyrim? Whatever, doesn't really matter.
LA Noire was a pretty good game I have to say (coming from a PC elitist), with some cool new technology. It's one of the few games on the console that eventually lead to me getting a PS3.

A port is probably going to suck, while the game itself is cool I expect the PC controls to be floaty and the graphics to be abysmal as usual.

I honestly don't know the deal with Red Dead Redemption, I suspect they may have been paid to keep it console exclusive for a number of years, it might just be a case of waiting until that runs out.
Why would they be paid to keep it console exclusive? That makes no sense, its' on the 360 AND the PS3
Why would they be paid to keep it console exclusive? That makes no sense, its' on the 360 AND the PS3

Platform owners pay money to keep games as exclusives to attract people to the platform.

I didn't say it was a PS3 exclusive, I said it was a console exclusive.
I've been watching LA Noir on youtube Tobygames, and it looks like fun! Hopefully, the port will translate well enough.
Might get it once it hits $5 on a Steam sale, I'd be much more interested in a Dark Souls port.
Platform owners pay money to keep games as exclusives to attract people to the platform.

I didn't say it was a PS3 exclusive, I said it was a console exclusive.

I'm aware of that, that's why I asked why would either Microsoft or Sony or both pay to keep them exclusive?

The game isn't really a system seller for either

it doesn't make much sense or sound logical. I'm not trying to start an argument or anything, I'm just saying it doesn't sound logical.
Hmm i guess that the problem with the specs isn't on the recommended AMD card:

Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT 512MB to NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580 1536MB / Radeon HD 3000 512MB to Radeon HD 6850 1024MB

I'm no expert but i am pretty sure that those two cards i bolded aren't comparable. ;-)

Of course if performance really is comparable on this game it would only point to a game with a higher bias than anything the Big N has thrown tessellation related.
I'm aware of that, that's why I asked why would either Microsoft or Sony or both pay to keep them exclusive?

The game isn't really a system seller for either

it doesn't make much sense or sound logical. I'm not trying to start an argument or anything, I'm just saying it doesn't sound logical.

Well it kind of is a system seller or at least another reason to add to a list of many, as I said it's part of the reason I bought a PS3, there's a bunch of exclusives I wanted to play and had no option but to buy a console, some of those are console exclusives and available on the 360 as well and some are specific to PS3, either way they increase my chance of buying a console.

Exclusives are usually negotiated for a specific period of time and not outright exclusives.
Red Dead won a whole swag of "Best of 2010" awards from all the gaming sites, shows and magazines last year so it's definitely a high-profile game.
Imagining RDR running with in high rez, high texture glory makes my mouth water. Imagining the mod community getting a crack at it makes me all giddy inside.

GTA IV even before the patches was an immediate night and day difference and revolution vs its console bretheren and all the more so after the patches. I'd love to see that same kind of leap for RDR.

Red Dead won a whole swag of "Best of 2010" awards from all the gaming sites, shows and magazines last year so it's definitely a high-profile game.

It's a fantastic game that I'm still playing. One of my favorites of the last several years that I'd happily buy again on the PC and play the hell out of it even more.
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LA Noire looks great on the consoles, but just like GTA it definitely suffers when it comes to things like view distance. The conversation and investigation scenes were all about as good as a console can get, though. I'd be shocked if the PC version looked all that much better, except (again) with things like view distance and in the walking around scenes. LA Noire spends so much time in semi-cutscenes that the world details don't matter so much.

RDR is another animal though. That's a game that could benefit soooo much from more horsepower. I really do hope a PC port eventually comes. It might be too late to actually make money on it, but I guess we can hope.
LA Noire looks great on the consoles, but just like GTA it definitely suffers when it comes to things like view distance. The conversation and investigation scenes were all about as good as a console can get, though. I'd be shocked if the PC version looked all that much better, except (again) with things like view distance and in the walking around scenes. LA Noire spends so much time in semi-cutscenes that the world details don't matter so much.

Unless they took a little time with it to make it a worthwhile port to the PC. That's a big if. High res textures all the way, further viewing distance, some horsepower and you're talking about something that would stand out again from its console bretheren the way it should be.

We'll find out soon enough if they bothered to do it right or not.

RDR is another animal though. That's a game that could benefit soooo much from more horsepower. I really do hope a PC port eventually comes. It might be too late to actually make money on it, but I guess we can hope.

That'd be huge. They ever do it, I'm there.
Saweeeet. Just built a new PC for BF3, Skyrim, RDR and LA Noir. Two down, two to go.
Hmmm. Would have been nice to see PSVR support. More and more I'm thinking that device is dead in the water.
I wonder if the Red Dead Redemption port hasn't happened because of any inexperience that Rockstar San Diego has with developing for could be quite intimidating, given how poorly the GTA4 port was received. The only games San Diego have on the PC are Midtown Madness and Midnight Club installments.

Took 11 posts from the first mention of RDR for this man to spell out what it stood for. People like you are why the world keeps turning.

Looks like the Vive is getting some part of this LA Noire stuff too. I remember having played the original game briefly and liking it way back when. If the spinoff VR works with the Rift I wouldn't mind checking it out.
Hmmm. Would have been nice to see PSVR support. More and more I'm thinking that device is dead in the water.

I think the PSVR outsold the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift due to the exclusive Resident Evil release. I could be wrong though. :)
I think the PSVR outsold the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift due to the exclusive Resident Evil release. I could be wrong though. :)

Certainly didn't hurt. It actually launched (and sold like mad) a while before RE7 came out though. I think it was just a bunch of hopeful owners and the lure of a new gadget around the Christmas season, though.
I got sucked in playing some games at a friend's place during the holiday season. At the time it felt like there was a ton of content for it. Sadly since then we've really only gotten RE7 and Farpoint...hence my worry that this thing might have a short future.
I really liked LA Noire, I like a good story driven game. I am not sure I would rebuy a remaster though.