Lag lag lag please my video is killing me comp


Limp Gawd
Jul 28, 2003
Comp number 1 in sig...

When Im in windows nothings wrong but when I get in games about 45 seconds in its starts lagging a little and progressively gets more and more. THe video lags and then the sound lags and then I cant move the mouse to exit.

I uninstall drivers and installed Catalyst 5.1 and directx 9.0c

Idk wats happend it was ok last night
is the card overclocked? if so, it might be overheating. it sounds like it could also be driver confrontation. like, installing, and reinstalling different drivers might cause things to become unstable. should use driver cleaner. works wonders. :)
EDIT: also, read the video card FAQ, has more info on that driver cleaner prog.
No it wasnt OC'd, then I accidentally overclocked it with overdrive .. as in I couldnt put it back where it was and tried a game and worked fine. Now its acting up again.

And the drivers were thoroughly wiped ^^ I jsut did fresh install last week
ChappyChaps11 said:
No it wasnt OC'd, then I accidentally overclocked it with overdrive .. as in I couldnt put it back where it was and tried a game and worked fine. Now its acting up again.

And the drivers were thoroughly wiped ^^ I jsut did fresh install last week
So you're saying it did get overclocked, then? But you tried a game and it worked fine, then it started running crappy? Sounds like a bad overclock to me. You may want to get a second opinion, though.
originally when if borked it wasnt oc'd

Then overdrived it and it work

Now after like 45 mins it freezes and I have to flip it off... turn it off lol ... (both)
I'm sorry, I don't know what to tell you. I wish someone would help you other than me, because I'm all out of ideas! Good luck, man. Maybe call your local computer shop?
thanks for the bump . I did learn one thing tho. I ran the full test and my video card is gett 66mp/s and it would be gettin glike 150.

Maybe that will help me get help
I would uninstall the current drivers and use drivercleaner... I know you said its a fresh install, but something could still have been screwed up. Try multiple sets of drivers; if you still have problems your card is probably fubar and time for an RMA.
Bleh, I'm almost tempted not to resond since you keep bumping your topic..

..but i'll give it a shot and guess that your powersupply is being over-burdened. The symptoms sound like that's what it could be, but at the same time an athlonxp/9600xt isn't exactly a powerhungry system so I don't know. What kind of psu do you have?
Well its not excessive bump and I need an anwer any way

Its a brand new turbolink 420watt.. It came with my computer case.