Laptop Coolers

Mad Cat

Limp Gawd
Sep 27, 2008

I have a Dell Precision M2300 I use for school. It has a 2.40GHz Core 2 Duo with 3.5GB of RAM. I can run HL2 on it pretty well, but I am concerned about heat buildup. I would like to invest in a laptop cooler. Cooling and reliability are my top concerns, but noise should also be taken into consideration. Portability is not an issue. I can spend up to $80 IF the value is there.

So far my brother has helped me to find the NZXT Cryo LX ($70) and the Thermaltake NBCool T500 ($20). I am leaning towards the NZXT, but I am not sure if the price is worth it. If anyone has a recommendation, or another superior cooler, I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks in advance!

Cliff Notes:
Need a good laptop cooler.
NZXT Cryo LX, Thermaltake NBCool T500, or other?
Can spend $80
By the way, thank you for the relpy. I ended up going with the NZXT Cryo LX due to it being able to hold smaller laptops more securely than the Zalman.