Laptop for business student.


May 28, 2006
Going to school VERY soon and need a mobile long-lasting laptop. I eyed a few, and am split between a couple laptops. The ones i've seen so far as potential candidates are the X61 Tablet, vaio TZ, and the HP TX2500. I'm looking for a tablet, but a light laptop is good. Can anyone tell me which is the best of the three I just listed or point me toward a good laptop.

Thanks in advance. :D
I would recommend the X61 tablet as it is a nice machine, but if you like wide screen displays then the upcoming X200 tablet might be a better choice for you. If you want an internal DVD drive then a Fujitsu or HP tablet is the way to go. My X61 tablet has been a joy to use with at least 4 hours on the 8 cell battery for the past 15 months and I plan on many more months of use out of my machine. Buy the best you can and remember it is an investment that should pay off well in the end. I highly recommend the tablet PC for school.
When is the X200 tablet expected to ship?

Regardless of when they claim it will ship I would not be surprised if the date slipped...possibly a lot. I have an X60 tablet and love it but they took months more then initially expected to release and then a parts shortage delayed mine from shipping for a few months after that... Even now ordering a prebuilt unit it takes 7-10 days to ship it
quality of the construction and materials is low.

My x61t I am using as a main computer has bezel problems even after fix and some power regulation problems...

Otherwise it is a good machine.