Laptop for military service


Oct 24, 2004
Buddy of mine JUST graduated from basic down in San Antonio and was looking to spend 7-800 on a laptop, upwards of 1000, over the weekend. The only requirement is he wants to play l4d2 on it during downtime. I thought of the G51JX-X3 but figured I'd ask you guys - what's best right now in this price range for light gaming, email, weight, etc.?
Thank your friend for his service. That one you just recommended is the best one in that price range.

If he needs an even lighter and more compact one that is still capable of gaming, an Alienware MX11 is a good buy, there's a whole thread about it, I recommend you and your friend look that one over.

OR, if you're capable, you might be able to find one of those Gateway FX's for cheap, I'd look into getting one of those, they are "true desktop replacements". I own a Gateway 7811-FX and it's been quite the trooper for me. It's only downsides are obviously size, weight, and battery life, but that's all to be expected given the class of laptop it is.

But your suggestion is good, I'd rather have that Asus than the 7811-FX, I'm not sure what the newest Gateway FX revision is.

Also, is a good place to visit for learning more about notebooks, they have subforums for each manufacter and threads upon threads discussing nothing but the best models.

I highly recommend you look there before you decide which one to get.
I'm in the army and have the G51 Best Buy sold for a while,

It's the perfect size, not too heavy, decent performance and has held up pretty well. My only complaint is the overheating, he will need a cooling pad, and the lights on the lid on my version are VERY bright and you cant turn them off.

Mines heading to afghanistan with me in two weeks, hope it stands up to the afghan moon dust alright
Congratulations to the new boot camp grad and best of everything to KingTomis in Aghanistan. Stay safe and thank you!! :)
What do you guys think about the Asus G60? I'm calling some of the places in the area and they have it for under $1000.

The link up top returned nothing for me btw, was what got me there.

Thanks everyone!
go with the G60JX-RBBX05 it's only $999 has core i5 and good pretty good gpu. resolution sucks.. but then i would just use an external display. im sure you could find a mwr center or something to do that. Although possibly might just wanna wait you never know what they might have on sale at the exchange. milk your military discounts :p I know i did.
i just got a g61jq and I am really happy with it. i7 chip and the 5730 dx11 gpu.

I got it at microcenter for 999 before tax.

Plays l4d2 on all high settings just fine, bf2142 on all high, and Bfbc2 on medium settings as well. High for bc2 is a bit choppy.

Great lappy for the $.

Bloatware is a beast tho. For just about anything he gets, I recommend a reinstall of 7 and newest drivers from the manufacturer's site.
I have an old Sager notebook that has served me well for the past 4.5 years, sucking dust through 2 Iraq deployments with me. I am considering an upgrade to a newer model, and would buy from them again. Their customer service is helpful and they do military discounts. Check them out: