Laptop Heatsink Lapping (Need some ideas..Pics Included)


Aug 3, 2004
ok guys I have a dilemma, and I could some help solving the issue. I have recently acquired an Alienware m5750 Laptop. It runs fantastic til I tried to play a few games on it. I noticed some artifacting and tearing then it immeadiatly shutdown. I checked teh temp and it was getting pretty high up there. I started reading around and found that the GPU/CPU heatsink was widely known to have issues with not touching the GPU/CPU. I pulled mine off and I am having the same issue, only about 40% of the heatsink is making contact on each one. Now here is where you guys step in. Usually lapping a heatsink isn't a problem on a Home PC, but this is different. I have included a picture of what the heatsink looks like, any ideas on how to get those 2 spots super flat would be fantastic. I apologize in advance for teh quality of the picture. I am at work and don't have my camera with me. Thanks in advance for the help.

The exact square is the GUP heatsink portion and the part with the glare is the CPU heatsink area. Such tiny areas to work in. Help me get em flat.

EDIT: Added better quality pictures.
Hi ,
i own a M5550 and they have almost the same style sinks. when i first receive my lappy i notice the temps where CRAZY!! it didn't turn off but my right palm would get so hot (you could fry an egg!)

i decided to take a look and see if there was anything i could do.... after further inspection i notice this :
1 : GPU not flush with the sink " the gap was HUGE i was thinking on getting a penny and grind it to a perfect flat coin and use it like a spacer.! "
2 : The crap transfer pad are useless
3 : CPU thermal paste was like hand cream! LOL no silver

so carefully i took the GPU card out and try to bring it closer to the sink i had to cut some parts of the sink to get it closer and finally closed the gap entirely, remove the transfer PADS and smooth those ares using 2K and 2500 sand paper , after it was flush i put everything back together and use a nice thin coat of ArticSilver # 5

MAN what a difference....... my hand doesn't get HOT or burning anymore and the CPU and GPU temps dropped 40d

i can help you with some pics if you want. send me a PM
+1 on getting rid of those pads. Maybe some AS Ceramique if you are worried about AS5 possibly causing a short. That should improve contact I'd think.
well my gpu didn't have any pads on it, just paste. There was a fairly large gap between the heatsink and the actual GPU. How did you get the Heatsink FLAT. Usually you put sandpaper on a piece of glass and sand away, but on this heatsink there brackets sticking down keeping me from doing somethin like this. That is what I am trying to figure out so i don't have an uneven surface.

I will PM you for pictures btw.
but on this heatsink there brackets sticking down keeping me from doing somethin like this. That is what I am trying to figure out so i don't have an uneven surface.

You mean that big aluminium piece on the right? Looks like it can be detached from the rest of it.
You mean that big aluminium piece on the right? Looks like it can be detached from the rest of it.

well I feel like an idiot. I have just been looking at the underside the entire time. :(

Also if i remove the thermal pads and put AS5 on there, will that be ok on the ram chips as well?
Sure, but use WAY less than you think you need. I mean way, way less. It will spread to cover unimaginable surface areas, and it is mildly conductive, so spilling large amounts over the edge of the chips would be bad. Just use a very small amount and take care.

Good luck!
well I got the AS5 on the GPU and CPU now, I had to leave the thermal pads on the ram chips because they would not touch the heatsink without them. I got the temperature to drop about 30 degrees Farenheit while idling, still gets up to around 130 when gaming. I still see tearing so I bet the card has been damaged. Priced one through Alienware for 190. Atleast I can still surf.
Sorry i forgot to tell you how i got the gap in the sink flush with the GPU, well this is what i did " please be careful " the 4 post screws on the video card where to high and thats why there was a gap so i grind the screw posts on the video card down till the clearance was none! you have to very careful please do not damage your video card and i would put something on top of the GPU to protect it, remove the card from the PC so you can check the clearance while you grind away.

i know im crazy but i hit 5o's while on load! cold cold cold.... i can have the lappy runing all day long no more need for the laptop cooler!