Laptop may need upgrading due to Vista


Dec 3, 2004
I just bought a laptop (Acer 5570) that was preloaded with Vista. I am very knowledgeable when it comes to computers. I have had constant problems with vista locking up on me, and when I look in the task manager the cpu usage is at 100%. This is with very simple tasks, such as throwing files across the network (this was around 70 gigs worth of files) while surfing the net, or just surfing the net. I took off all of the preloaded Acer software and have debated reloading my laptop from scratch with just the OS, Antivirus, and Antispyware programs. I am thinking about upgrading to 4 gigs of Ram in hopes that may help boost performance. Here are my system specs:

Intel 1.73ghz Core Duo (I believe it's the T2080)
1.5GB ram
160gb hd

Now please let me know what you think (I will also post this in the Laptop and OS forums) If this is in the wrong forum I apologize in advance.
Nice cross post....

As the poster in your identical thread in the os forum said, there is no reason for your cpu usage to be pegging 100%... I would check for spy/malware... The locking during transfers is a well documented problem, and there are fixes for it.. just search.

And a clean install is not a bad idea.. it certainly couldn't hurt.
Yeah, I didn't know which forum to post it in, so I posted it in all 3 forums. And if this is in any violation of the forum rules, I apologize.