laptop prices going down by august??

Jun 7, 2006
i am trying to make myself hold off till the end of summer to buy a notebook because of the new intel processors coming out then (around august). i want to get the cheapest dual core i can, adn was wondering if yall think the current laptops with the 1st generation dual cores will get pushed down much by the core2duo's. also, do yall think the core2duo's will raise the prices of laptops in general for the first quater, or will prices not change much. i mean, if you wanna get a dell e1710 insprion, which is about $999 with a pentium m dual core, will it be about the same with a core2duo? what kind of pricing patterns have yall noticed when new processors first com out? thanks
As far as I know, the Core 2 Duos are being released around August or September but will not be implemented with laptops for awhile after that... Correct me if I'm wrong, anyone.
you might be right, i just assumed when i read august somewhere that that was when they were gonna be available in comps.