Laptop Security


Apr 5, 2003

I just ordered an Ins XPS 2 today, (42% off... gotta love EPP+bonus 33% coupon)
I am gonna be using it for college, so i need some sort of theft deterrent.. i am planning on picking up the stuffbak coupons at work (i work for compusa) and possibly comp-u-trace (although it seems like it wouldnt really work well)

however i want a chain or some other sort of HARDWARE security... both those look promising... any suggestions?
he first one will certinly keep your data secure but it wont do anything to deter the theft of the lappy, all one would have to do is eject the card and replace the HD ($100) and bam they can sell it just like you never protected it at all

I used to have the second one, its fine for anyplace where there are lots of people around
but worthless for a college dorm room as most students would just ignore the sound

Heavy duty cable lock is your best option but even then it just doesn't offer that much security at all
Yea, honestly the best form of security for your laptop is you...

I never leave my laptop unattended. If you are going somewhere (even the bathroom etc.) put it in standby/hybernation mode and pop it in your bag and take it with you.

I can't immagine it being stolen using this method...
Canon said:
Yea, honestly the best form of security for your laptop is you...

I never leave my laptop unattended. If you are going somewhere (even the bathroom etc.) put it in standby/hybernation mode and pop it in your bag and take it with you.

I can't immagine it being stolen using this method...

you have clearly never been mugged then :D
paladin732 said:

I just ordered an Ins XPS 2 today, (42% off... gotta love EPP+bonus 33% coupon)
I am gonna be using it for college, so i need some sort of theft deterrent.. i am planning on picking up the stuffbak coupons at work (i work for compusa) and possibly comp-u-trace (although it seems like it wouldnt really work well)

however i want a chain or some other sort of HARDWARE security... both those look promising... any suggestions?
The sheer weight of that laptop should be a deterrent...:D
Heh, I had my colleague try it after I showed her the vid on her laptop. She cut a piece of cardboard from a notepad (the back) and rolled it up, stuck it in and started twisting (no tape needed, nor pen). After 5 seconds, it unlocked.

And the company I work for uses like, 5000 of these locks :D
That is incredible to know, I'd just go around placing bets with everyone "I bet you 100 dollars I can unlock with with a toilet paper roll"
n64man120 said:
That is incredible to know, I'd just go around placing bets with everyone "I bet you 100 dollars I can unlock with with a toilet paper roll"

Why tell people?
just walk off with thier laptops then they are not looking :p

I was shown another type of lock at work today by a vendor
it screws into the parralel port and has a rather thick cable comming out of it for atachment to whatever you like
the problem being is that while its screwed in you cant use the port
the paralel port is generaly tied into the metal backbone of the laptop that supports the screen hinges so its a very strong point of atachment the lock uses a yamaha style motercycle key so its decently not pickable with the doublesided-ness.the lock cylinder can certinly be drilled out but is not vulnerable to a toilet paper roll
I'll try to hunt down the linky on monday, i left the promo material at work
Just WOW! on opening the Kensington lock with a toilet paper roll! :eek:

If you're going to be in a dorm room, make sure the room is never left unlocked when you're not there, even if it's just going down the hall for a minute to take a leak. If you're going to have a roommate, make sure you drill this into their head as well. Also, have a secure place to lock it away (out of sight) when not in use.