Last card you bought from ATI and Nvidia?


Limp Gawd
Jul 30, 2005
With the recent release of the 48x0 series and the dropping prices of the GTX series, now seems to be a great time to buy a video card from either side. But just for fun, what was the most recent card you all got from both companies?

ATI - Rage Fury Pro 128 32MB (2001)
Nvidia - Geforce 7900GTO 512MB (2006)

The ATI card I got with my old Pentium 3 caused me so many problems over the years, and haven't gotten an ATI card since. With my new job, I'm going to buy my first ATI card in 7 years, soon. :D
well, lets see here.

ATI: ~3 years ago got my x800xl in sig
Nvidia: ~2 years ago, i got an XFX 6200 for my brother for christmas so he can play his games.
NVIDIA: 8800GTX,8800GTS 512MB & 8800GT
ATI: X1950XT

My next card should be the 4870X2...
A: x850xt (current)
N: some really old 32mb agp card I had before this one

Total: 50%/50%

Then again, I've only bought two graphics cards in 9 years or so.
Ati: ASUS 9600XT in my sig rig
Nvidia: 8800M GTS in my laptop, if that don't count it was a Geforce 4 Ti4200 128MB
Ati: 3870 bought it used for $75 a few months back. Waiting on the NV200 and Ati4xxx series cards to drop. I needed a temp card that could still game OK in a new build on the cheap, bought it off a friend that went to a 9800gx2. Plan to replace it with a 4870x2 or a 280 within the next few weeks. Depending on prices and benches when I decide to buy.

Nv: A pair of 8800gts. Bought used from my kid a few weeks back, she went with a pair of 280's. Used those cards to replace a heavily over clocked/over volted since they launched, and now artifacting at stock speeds1900xt, in an opty175 on a DFI nf4 sli mobo rig. (I know even OCed the cpu is holding them back some, but it still games quite well)
ATI: Asus HD 4850 a few weeks ago
nvidia: PNY 9800GTX this week

Each was $150 after rebate. I like both cards.

Edit: I may as well list the first cards I had from each too:
ATI: EGA Wonder (8-bit ISA, still have it)
nvidia: Rage128 (AGP)
Nvidia: 6800GT (no problems with it what so ever), although I was miffed because the 7800GT came out a month later, at a slightly lower price point.
ATi: x1950pro, because it was better than the competition for the price. I had the bad luck however to get a card with an unproven technology (in video cards) with a digital PWM, the first one wouldn't run using stock clocks, and eventually died due to a power surge (which didn't affect any other components in my system) and the second one is very temperamental when it comes to overclocking, and will lock your computer, the very instant you go over the line.

These are the only two video cards I have purchased, I bought the 6800GT because all my friends used nvidia products, and said to me they were better, I bought the x1950pro because I did my research, and that research told me it was the better card to buy. ATi left me with a bad taste in my mouth, which is why I am looking at a 9800GTX+, but I don't know if I would be better off, ATi has good prices on their cards, and usually provide more performance per $, but I don't want to feel ripped off, which is how I felt when I got the x1950pro.
ATI: HD3870 (2)
nVidia: Diamond Viper Stealth V7700 TNT2 AGP
nvidia: from the GF4 FX5200 6600GT 7800GT 7900GT 7950GX2 8800GTX 8800GTS 512.
ati: 9200SE and X700.

I may get a 4870X2 or 2 :D
The last ATI Card I purchased: 4870 X2


Last Nvidia card was an 8800GTX.
Nvidia: XFX 8800GS
ATI: Sapphire HD3450 - not in one of my rigs, though
4870... Before that 4850... before that... 9800 Pro
8800GTS... Before that... 7950Gt...

That's about as far back as I can remember
Nvidia: EVGA 7800GTX 256MB

ATI (built-in, laptop card): Radeon X1400
ATI (standalone card): 128MB Radeon 9800pro
ATI - Radeon HD 4850
Nvidia - Never

Had an ATI Rage Fury Pro, then Radeon 9000 Pro, then Radeon X1900GT, and then this card.
ATI - 4870, but I sent it back because I had problems with it. It will most likely be the last card I buy from ATI due to their track record with me.

nVidia - GTX260 (just ordered it today so it should get here next week), but before that a 8800gts 640mb. Unless they completely suck ass in the future, I will most likely buy from these guys from now on.
ATI: X1900XTX on release, best card i have bought as far as drivers, value, quality, and longevity

NV: 8800GT at release, wish i would have waited for an ATI (my 1900 would have latest me long enough to get the 4870)