Denies Handing Over Info To RIAA

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Contrary to rumor circulating on the web, the founder of has denied handing over any information to the RIAA and went as far as to say “Techcrunch is full of sh*t.” In terms of denials, they don’t come any stronger than this:

On Friday night a technology blog called Techcrunch posted a vicious and completely false rumour about us: that handed data to the RIAA so they could track who’s been listening to the “leaked” U2 album. I denied it vehemently on the Techcrunch article, as did several other staffers. We denied it in the forums, on twitter, via email – basically we denied it to anyone that would listen, and now we’re denying it on our blog.
If your going to deny something, THAT is the way to do it. There's not enough honest cussing in business, people are just too weak spirited to handle it :p
I heard the U2 album is streaming on the band's myspace page for the next few weeks FOR FREE. That means it is NOT leaked. I agree that Techcrunch is full of shit.
if someone was listening to something from, isnt is streamed, thus the end users really cant be charged with anything since last,fm is the one hostnig and streaming thge content anywyas.. also tracks you music to make better recommendations about music that you might like. So its not just music you stream over, but also your own personal collection. These stats can be viewed on website. The claim is that turned over alot more detailed records then those they publish on there website to the RIAA (IPs of people who played U2's new stuff) to try and track them down. The person that leaked this to the public was suppose to be a employee. So no, its not just dealing with their streaming service, but also monitoring your collection and what you listen to.
We just need a terrorist group to "demo" the RIAA's and MPAA's HQ at 2am when no one's there...

Yes, oh noes I said it :eek:.

Seriously though, it's nice to see that a company's actually scared (cares?) about their relationship to the RIAA. It's all futile though, thank goodness that the world is full if fools; people will always find a "back door" to something. It's foolish to fight against the masses (on certain things sadly, it should be everything). The really tough part can depend on what a person (or we) have to go through to get to that point. Hopefully nothing too drastic and infringing. Then again, there will be some retaliation one way or another from somebody/group/people.

This is more related to the earlier post of the RIAA going after IPS's in Europe... I hope the EU rapes them brutally.
Been using before they were and they have always seemed like a great service. I dont have the leaked U2 album, so I am not too worried :p also tracks you music to make better recommendations about music that you might like. So its not just music you stream over, but also your own personal collection. These stats can be viewed on website. The claim is that turned over alot more detailed records then those they publish on there website to the RIAA (IPs of people who played U2's new stuff) to try and track them down. The person that leaked this to the public was suppose to be a employee. So no, its not just dealing with their streaming service, but also monitoring your collection and what you listen to.

funny cause wasnt the U2 album leaked by someone in the studio'