Last upgrade for an Aging machine


Limp Gawd
Nov 25, 2005
Alright first the specs.

Intel Extreme Edition 955
2GB 533 RAM
2 x 7800GTX
Creative X-Fi xtreme music

My motherboard is an SLI intel Edtion x16 and can only support upto Intel 965 EE

Im going to let go of this computer maybe summer 2008, but for now I need an advice from [H]ard[O]cp members. I was thinking of buying a single 8800GTX card. and as for the RAM I can go only upto 667mhz. I am thinking of running Windows Vista for DX10 also.

if Im going to upgrade to the 8800GTX what brand should I get ? I was thinking of getting the EVGA 8800GTX KO ACS3 model or the BFG 8800GTX OC.
just get the evga vanilla can easily overclock to the levels of the premium priced versions.
Actually I am really hurting for an upgrade, even if there are still no DX10 Games on site I just feel uncomfortable that my video cards dont support it. . . anyway is it right to get 4GB of 667s to replace my 2GB 533s ?
That isnt a aging machine. That is still a very capable machine. IMO 4 gigs is way too much of a overkill and expensive. 2 gigs is all you would need for a while. I would get the 8800GTX and keep that system.
Thanks for the Replies, I cant find any of those EVGA 8800GTX in my local stores, I want to get one right away. they only have the BFG 8800GTX OC, ASUS 8800GTX, an MSI and Gigabyte.

about the ram is 2GB too much for Vista Ultimate? or is it on the sweet side of things ?
There's alot of articles and threads on the amount of memory that should be used. There is also a windows size limit that lessens when including various memory hogging hardware-like a 768mb video card. I'd say 2gb is fine, if 3gb works in dual channel ie 2x1gb and 2x512, I may consider that. Otherwise, you're going to be fine with 2gb. Vista also has its own memory enhancing utilites ie. ready boost that lets you use qualifying flash drives (only one) to increase memory performance. I tried it and saw no difference but hey, it doesn't mean its not working lol.

As for video, go with the manufacturer that has the best warranty and is known for quality. BFG and EVGA seem to be the front runners. I think either purchase, a GTX or GTS will pay you high dividends. I can see you using a GTX in your next rig but could also see you saving some cash NOW by going with the lesser priced GTS (320 or 640).

You do have a nice system as it is. And you could feasibly wait for DX10 games before making a purchase. Your SLI setup is comperable to a GTS' performance in alot of benchmarks. You'll need Vista too so that should be considered as well. Be ready to put down some money if you wanna play the new games in dx10. Waiting might be your ticket.