Latency Issues WNDR3700 Router

]|[ Mar']['in ]|[

Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 20, 2002
So recently out of nowhere I started getting some weird latency issues. I called TWC and they claim everything looks fine on their end, and if I plug my computer directly into the modem there doesn't seem to be any issues.

So that leaves me with my netgear wndr3700 router. My upload/download speeds seem just fine. But here's a picture of 2 tracerts to

Any thoughts? I know this will probably end in me having to call what apparently is their awful tech support. Considering just buying a different modem. ugh.

Edit: Things I have tried:
1. The computer that this tracert is from is wired. I have the same results from the laptop through wireless
2. When computer is hooked directly to the modem, connection is fine.
3. Tried changing cables connecting the router to the modem.
4. Restored To Factory Settings

Edit 2:***I think I may have fixed it!*** I installed DD-WRT firmware tonight and so far it's working great. 3 roomates are playing WoW right now, I've got utorrent throttled but downloading and my 360 is hooked up, trying to give it every reason not to work, but so far it is :)

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I wouldn't think that's it considering the latency to every other location on the trace route is fine. And my download speeds seem normal.

But yeah I'm pretty sure nothing is downloading. I'll double check just to be safe.
]|[ Mar']['in ]|[;1036668152 said:
I wouldn't think that's it considering the latency to every other location on the trace route is fine. And my download speeds seem normal.

But yeah I'm pretty sure nothing is downloading. I'll double check just to be safe.

well is your wireless off/secure?
Martin, what kind of service are we talking about with the modem? DSL PPoE, DSL PPoA, or Cable?

And you forgot to blur your name in the first command prompt at the top of your screenshot. :D
yeah I noticed that and figured it didn't matter much, since it's my forum name anyways, lol.

it's Time Warner Cable. Which was working fine for the last several months. And continues to work fine when plugged straight into the modem.
did youi try the top secret router dance? Its the Macarena 10x as fast and reversed.
]|[ Mar']['in ]|[;1036668174 said:
yeah I noticed that and figured it didn't matter much, since it's my forum name anyways, lol.

it's Time Warner Cable. Which was working fine for the last several months. And continues to work fine when plugged straight into the modem.

Well, that eliminates any issues with bridging that you could have if it was DSL. Netgear has a pretty decent forum, might want to post your problem there if you don't get it resolved here.
so today I installed DD-WRT firmware and it seems to be fixed so far! Very happy. Hopefully it continues to be fixed.