Lawmakers Want To Stop Warrantless "Backdoor" Spying On Americans

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
A pair of lawmakers are trying to close the "backdoor search" loophole in existing law so that the government would be forced to get a warrant for any domestic spying. Seems like common sense. Want to spy? Get a warrant. Probably won't pass. :(

Two lawmakers are pushing to include a bipartisan amendment to be included in the upcoming defense budget bill, in an effort to seal up a loophole used by the government to conduct warrantless surveillance on Americans. The amendment, introduced by Reps. Thomas Massie (R-KY, 4th) and Zoe Lofgren (D-CA, 19th), will also forbid the government from forcing individuals, as well as companies -- like Google and Apple -- from installing backdoors for surveillance purposes in their systems.
Sadly, this has no chance to pass. In a best case scenario someone will challenge these actions in court and win but I'm not going to hold my breath.
It will pass.
It's just that the surveillance will continue under a different name that the public doesn't know about.
Or they can do what Britain does, ask America for domestic data thus bypassing the system.
Those two should definitely not take any chartered flights any time soon.

Or personal airplanes

Or stand on a balcony

Or have a toaster near a hot pool

And should probably go ahead and publish a statement saying they DO NOT feel suicidal.
Sadly, this has no chance to pass. In a best case scenario someone will challenge these actions in court and win but I'm not going to hold my breath.

Nope, you are correct, it has no chance of passing, period. And that is because it is completely unrealistic. There is no realistic way to allow collection on foreign nationals and not get some data belonging to American Citizens in the process. We have so many that visit this country all the time, you can't screen them out by IP cause they are using our same systems and providers. Jesus, Kim Jung UN's Aunt has been living in NY City for a few years now. You remember him, the Dictator running North Korea, yes, his Aunt lives in the US, go figure.

My brother's cruelty made me leave North Korea, says Kim Jong-un's uncle

Realistically and practically, how would you possible be able to get a warrant in order to record a foreigner's conversation with an American when you have no way to predict when or who that foreigner might call? If you can work that one out then you are working for the wrong people and not making nearly enough money for it.
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I think ill have Bryan Pagliano set up an unsecured and unencrypted private server for me, seems to be quite effective at preventing the various government agencies from knowing what you're doing. /Only problem is, everyone else on the planet will hack it. But I'll just reboot it every once in a while to shake off the leeches and pray for the best.
I think ill have Bryan Pagliano set up an unsecured and unencrypted private server for me, seems to be quite effective at preventing the various government agencies from knowing what you're doing. /Only problem is, everyone else on the planet will hack it. But I'll just reboot it every once in a while to shake off the leeches and pray for the best.

That's actually pretty damn funny Lith1um, credit where credits due :notworthy: