Layer in a Table with Dreamweaver?


Limp Gawd
Jun 12, 2003
Dear [H]ard|Webmasters,
I have a question that I hope is simple to you.

I am creating a website for a friend, he wanted something really simple so this is what I did for him:

As you can see it's very basic. My friend asked me to change the center picure on index.html so that when the bottom left boat is clicked, it opens up a window with the website of that particular vessel, and same for the bottom right. I went ahead and split the four pics with Photoshop, created four layers and aligned them in the middle of the page, so now they are considered separate objects and I can link the bottom two to their respective urls. Now my question is as follows: Most of index.html is made with Tables, and obviously the four new layers in the middle will not be auto-centered like the tables, so now the middle pic will load all over the screen according to the visitor's resolution. Is there any way I can group all the layers and 'dump' them into a Table that I can center to the page? Please note that the index currently hosted is the old one. The modified one is stored locally, I haven't uploaded it for obvious reasons.

Thanks in advance for the help!!!

either you can create another 2 x 2 table in that orginal cell and align with one pic per cell or you can leave that picture as one and image map it. depending on what you want. personally i layer tables to make my sites.
either you can create another 2 x 2 table in that orginal cell and align with one pic per cell or you can leave that picture as one and image map it. depending on what you want. personally i layer tables to make my sites.
The four pics are not perfect squares, so a 2x2 table will not make them match properly. What does mapping an image mean? That sounds interesting, however I doubt it will let me keep the rollorver images I created for the bottom.

Thanks for the help, please let me know if you have any further idea.

Image map sounds correct. that's when you define "this polygonal region of this image is a link to this other thing." You could then use Javascript to load up a new image or (my recommendation) go to the boat-specific page.

Boat-specific pages will be much easier to maintain down the road. That, or info in a database with a good front end.
GAMMA_BLADE and lomn75,
thank you very much for the suggestions. I went ahead and looked into the "Image Mapping" you have mentioned, and once I learned how to do it, I implemented it on the main page as you can see here:

This definitely solves most of the problem, I wish I could have done some rollover effect to make it more obvious for visitors that those were clickable links, but oh well for now this will do it.

Thanks again,

Now that you've recognized that image maps can be tough to notice, here's a key concept:

Everyone recognizes underlined text as a valid link.

That's a basic rule that every business site should abide by. Any important link should exist somewhere as text, preferably with underline (unless you've got a dropdown menu system where you've already established that links are present, maybe) and other text should not have underlines unless stylistic rules require it.

Does that mean you should take out the image map? Not at all. They can be very useful. Just have text links somewhere, too.